Tuesday, September 03, 2013 |
Terrorists forgot to read the handling instructions on their chemical weapons.
aybe because, as Baracrook Austrianese™ Øfascist would say, they don't know how to read "Saudi Arabian."
Not to worry. Thanks to the pro-terrorist Ølying Administyranny they've been able to blame their own deadly accidents on the Syrian government. After all, Baracrook ØbetrayUS needs the terrorists to take over another Middle Eastern county since his Muslime Brotherhoodlum terrorist pals weren't able to hold on to Egypt. He also desperately needs something big to distract the American people since we all started focusing on his numerous "phony" scandals.
Now those chemical "attacks" accidents are his "justification" for helping out his al-Qaeda terrorist pals in Syria. The Liar-in-Chief shows Congress "evidence" that their accidents weren't really accidents at all — "no siree, I swearies" — but chemical "attacks" against his pals by a government that was already beating the ever-loving snot out of Baracrook's Best Buds the terrorists. His Øbasslickers in Congress, ever willing to advance his lies for their party's sake, are of course rushing to rubber-stamp his lie-filled request to provide air support for al-Qaeda in Syria.
That's not what our brave men and women in uniform had in mind when they volunteered for military service. They signed up to fight and defeat these terrorist enemies of America, not give them material aid and comfort.
How's that "peace" prize you gave the likes of Øbawarmonger working out for you, Nobel Committee? Will you still feel he deserved one when Iran retaliates against Israel for Øbombhappy's unilateral attacks against Syria's government?
Labels: al-Qaeda in Syria, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's Enhanced Distraction Techniques, Obawarmonger, treason, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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