Your Suicide Party
ussia gets it. Opposite-sex couples produce incomparably more children than same-sex ones. When your replacement rates are extremely low or negative, like in most of Europe, doing anything that promotes the latter is simply demographic suicide; and when anyøne tries to get you to do that very dangerous thing, you very reasonably perceive him as someone who clearly wants you dead — that is, your mortal enemy.
Same with selfishly choosing to abort your unborn babies (or even your born ones, which State Senator Øbort'em supported). It may "liberate" you from all attendant familial responsibilities (or "punishment," as Øbort'em put it); but the only thing it breeds is smaller and smaller sized families, if any families at all. It's nothing less than lineal suicide.
Same also with taking away urban minorities' guns. It lets the murderous thugs, who're always cowardly looking to prey on anyone they feel is weaker, declare open season on every law-abiding person in sight. As is happening in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago, it amounts to municipal suicide.
Just compare the nonimmigrant replacement rates of states that promote same-sex coupling, selfishly-chosen abortions, and urban-minority disarmament — that is, Suicidemocrat-run ones — with those of states that choose not to. Yes, you can see that conserving the moral and attitudinal underpinnings of healthy population growth is what keeps your society from dying by its members' own hands.
For ours to survive, many more of us must be bigoted against anything that helps drive us to societal suicide.
Yes, we can all clearly see now that a so-called liberal lifestyle, as malignantly promoted by Suicidemocrats, has been grossly misnamed. It's actually a deathstyle.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on Americans, Separation of Common Sense and State, socialist injustice, Suicidemocrats, unpatriotic liberals (BIRM)

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