Yes Congress can constitutionally defund any program it pleases.
he Presentdunce set many precedents with his unilateral funding of unlawful government "research," unlawful foreign pro-abortion propaganda, unlawful domestic publicity and propaganda, unlawful fast and furious arming of murderous Mexican drug gangs, unlawful partisan political activity, unlawful grants to ACØRN, unlawful aid for islamic terrorist organizations, unlawful schemes intended to obstruct justice, unlawful surveillance of untold millions of law-abiding American citizens, unlawful due-process-free zones, and unlawful dissemination of intelligence data. Just to name a few.
So the Fascist-in-Chief doesn't have a goose-stepping leg to stand on when he and his mindless fanatics in the Øbamaworshipping Media® bleat about Congress unilaterally defunding his Øfascist"Care" massive Train Wreck™. What one Congress funds, yes another can defund — regardless how "entitled" that funding is. More to the point, the 113th Congress has no obligation to fund any unfunded provision of the Demøbamaniac Party's exclusively-partisan, 2,800-page Train Wreck™.
Not that any of this would stop the lawless Øfascist regime from unilaterally funding whatever unlawful thing Der Fübar Baracrook ØTyrant pleases. Constitution? He don't need no stinkin' Constitution!
Labels: annihilating liberalism, Conservatism wins every time, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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