We're spying on you smarter, faster, and better! We're lying to you smarter, faster, and better! We're leaving your diplomats behind to die smarter, faster, and better! We're violating your press's First Amendment rights smarter, faster, and better! We're using the IRS to seek political revenge against you smarter, faster, and better! We're letting muslim terrorists bomb your cities smarter, faster, and better! We're giving your enemies in the Middle East aid and comfort smarter, faster, and better! We're getting your doctor to snitch on you smarter, faster, and better! We're trying to disarm you so thugs can rob, rape, and murder you smarter, faster, and better! We're running guns to murderous Mexican drug cartels smarter, faster, and better! We're turning your military into a "fighting" farce smarter, faster, and better! We're wasting your money on useless programs smarter, faster, and better! We're covering up Hilliary's State Department spending your money on prostitutes smarter, faster, and better! We're playing golf and taking vacations on your dime smarter, faster, and better! We're destroying your full time jobs smarter, faster, and better! We're jacking up your health insurance prices smarter, faster, and better! We're burying you under mountains of public debt smarter, faster, and better! We're devaluing your dollar smarter, faster, and better! We're unlawfully bypassing your Congress smarter, faster, and better! We're helping interlopers cross your "border," violate your laws, steal your tax dollars, and force your wages down smarter, faster, and better! We're devastating your minority communities smarter, faster, and better! We're chaining you to the government plantation's handouts smarter, faster, and better! We're fundamentally transforming your America into a third-world hellhole smarter, faster, and better!
aracrook Øfascist's tyranny government is "doing things right" the same way Fidel Casto's is.
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on Americans, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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