If you're not supporting Demøcrooks, your supposedly "private" information will be disclosed.
now-Nothing" Øfascist's criminality and corruption knows no bounds:
[T]he most likely scenario is that someone within the IRS who is against the cause of traditional marriage leaked the info to their political opponent so that they could punish, harass and intimidate those people in order to silence their opposition.
"A couple of other pieces to this that I think is extremely important. The Human Rights Campaign has been trying for a long time to get our donor list so they could do just that to our donors. And the president of the HRC, Joe Solmonese had just recently become a National Co-Chair of the Obama Re-election Campaign."
Remember in 2014: Baracrook Øfascist and his comrade Tyrannicrats alone put these goose-stepping gestapo goons of theirs in complete charge of your health "care," giving you the "choice" of getting exactly what they say you must get or, based on how "incorrectly" you voted in the last presidential election, getting whatever extreme taxes punishment and/or fines they say must be exacted against you in order to break you and get you to submissively obey Øur "Lord & Savior Führer and any and all of his thoroughly totalitarian regime's commands.
After all, Øfascist threatens, "We're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us."
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal hypocrisy, more liberal intolerance, socialist injustice, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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