ot that the lying smug-faced tyrant gives one whit whether the deluded idiots who voted for him know how much they are or not. They're just used up cogs in the political marxchine that's grinding up what's left of our American Way — each unceremoniously discarded from and crushed underneath it now, too — so yes he can at last be free and clear to finish paving with not-so-good intentions this ToHell Road of his.
Remember in 2014: Liar Øfascist's lying regime lied that—
Without health reform, American consumers and businesses would face higher premiums, fewer insurance choices, and rapidly rising health care costs. [PDF Full of Lies here]
Now with its health "reform"—
Care may not be affordable after all.
"Affordable Care" not so affordable: ObamaCare doubles premiums in CA.
Obamacare 'rate shock' hits Ohio with 88 percent insurance hikes: "The Ohio Department of Insurance predicts premiums in 2014 will rise by 88 percent, a direct result of President [sic] Obama's Patient Protection [sic] and Affordable [sic] Care [sic] Act."
Thanks a pantsload, Øgabe Voters Zombies. Your Domestic Spy-in-Chief is destroying us all.
Labels: Health Care Death Snare, liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, Obama's War on Americans, Obama's War on Poor People, socialist injustice, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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