Need to see a doctor? Better be a Demøcrook voter.
hen Baracrook Øfascist and his comrade Tyrannicrats start "taxing" penalizing you financially next year for not being able to prove to their partisan Internal Revenue Service's Investigate Republicans Solely's satisfaction that you have "acceptable" health insurance coverage, the first thing they'll want to see is not your photo ID, but your voter registration card. If it shows the "correct" party affiliation, you'll get a vastly reduced or even suspended fine. Same goes for your access to affordable care. Indeed, they should've called their law the Vote Right Left or Die Quickly Act.
Remember in 2014: Only Tyrannicrats voted yes to pass Øfascist"Care."
They totally own it. But you're the one who has to pay for it all.
This train wreck's so awful, in fact, they keep trying to sneakily exempt themselves from it.
In March 2010 Mr. Grassley [Senator Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa)] tried again to apply the law to all Congressional personnel and to White House officials. His amendment received every Republican vote but it was defeated with 55 Democrats (plus Socialist Bernie Sanders) voting no. However, thanks to Mr. Grassley's earlier success, the law still covered Members of Congress and some of their aides — hence their latest effort to wiggle out of the ObamaCare mandates.
In 2010 Mr. Grassley created enough of a political headache that Mr. Obama was compelled to say that he would personally join a new insurance exchange. This was an empty gesture since the President has no need for health insurance. He has a team of people devoted to his health and surely no one asks him to present a [voter-registration] card to receive treatment.
Congress will eventually find some way to protect itself, but its subterranean scrambling to do so exposes one of ObamaCare's greatest deceits: That if you like the insurance you have, you'll be able to keep it. Even the people who wrote the law don't believe it.
So Øfascist & Commiepany's partisan IRS, which can't wait to harass conservatives while giving fascist totalitarian liberals(birm) a pass, has practicably absolute power and discretion to enforce this totally Tyrannicrat law. What could possibly go wrong? If they think feel you lean to the right the answer is, as we've clearly seen already, everything.
Welcome to Øbamerika, citizen subject.
Labels: elitist despot liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., Liberalism Kills, liberals are always extreme, more liberal intolerance, socialist injustice