Once again, liberals owe every conservative and "privileged" white person a profuse and eternal apology.
o to hell, liberals. Damn you for praying to whatever soulless, demon cult-spirit "god" you blindly and fanatically worship, that the Boston Marathon bomber would be one of your political "enemies" — conservative, "government-hating" taxpayer, "bible-thumping" Christian, "right-wing extremist," or whoever else isn't "one of us."
As it turns out, it was one of your own protected classes — your friends — that once more is behind another terrorist attack targeting any and all Americans.
Thank you, liberals, for coddling and excusing the vile, murderous followers of the world's Death Movement (© 622-2013 mohamhead, PeeBUH) that's zealously trying to turn the whole planet into a savage islamo-nazi theocratic fascist dictatorship. Where's your unabashed scorn and ridicule for these clearly and presently dangerous animals?
You always say you want to Save Teh Planet™. Well, how about starting here? These cruel, heartless beasts are the ones who hate and are doing everything yes they can to wipe completely off its face everyone living on it who doesn't fully and unquestioningly support their political views. Sound familiar? It should. You know deep in your cold, dead "hearts" that you would be doing the exact same things were no one who truly loves this country out here standing in your way and keeping you truly intolerant extremists from ultimately unleashing your own massacres that you wet-dream of unleashing against all conservatives, "government-hating" taxpayers, "bible-thumping" Christians, "right-wing extremists," etc., etc.
If nazi cultists followers kept bombing and killing us, you wouldn't be saying, "Well, we can't condemn all Nazis for the actions of a very, very small number of them. The vast majority of Nazis are peaceful, patriotic residents whom you intolerant, bigoted right-wingnut teabaggers shouldn't be painting with some racist, anti-multicultural Broad Brush®." Come on. You know you wouldn't be saying that about nazis. Then why are you saying those very things about these undisputed heirs of The Nazi Way?
It's absolutely clear why you are: You're all cowards. Conservatives, "government-hating" taxpayers, "bible-thumping" Christians, "right-wing extremists," etc., etc., aren't known for going around indiscriminately bombing and killing children and other innocent people. So, yes, you can broadly and lyingly ridicule and mock them mercilessly without having to incur any consequential threat to your own personal safety. But try that with an islamonazi, and there's a good chance you'll wind up brutally beheaded for "insulting islam." Hell, they teach their children it's morally okay to do just that.
Cowardly liberals and murderous muslims. Wet moist water or burning fire, anyone? Both lead to the same final, end, resulting result:
Death and destruction to us and our free and cherished way of life.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, culture of death and destruction, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, multidhimmitudism, Religion of Decease, socialist injustice, treason, World War IV

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