I know. One should never speak ill of the dead.
o, instead, I'll write as flattering an obituary for this communist propaganda outfit cable "news" channel as an irrationally willing suspension of disbelief may allow:
Ms. N. B. Caca
Ms. Natsee "Bull" Caca of New York, N.Y., died yesterday at her residence following a horrific jumping accident. She was 17.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, at the Goebbels & al-Sahhaf Funeral Home Chappel with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright spewing extremist racist anti-America hate officiating.
In lieu of flowers, family friend al-Gore requests that donations be made to Al Jazeera, preferrably by unverified credit card or in small, unmarked bills. Carbon-footprint credits also will be accepted.
Ms. Caca was born in 1996, in New York, the daughter of Gen. E. "Bail Us Out, O!" Lectric and Mike Roe "Commie Common Core" Soft.
She was a member of the Church of Glowbull Wormening Global Warming Climate Change. She was a veteran of both Iraq wars (for the Iraqi side) and retired from the reporting industry after 0 years. She loved her sharks, especially Forward and Lean, and would often jump over them and the rest of the pod, all at the same time.
She was preceded in death by her heroes K. Marx, V. Lenin, J. Stalin, Chairman Mao, F. Castro (unconfirmed), and other such totalitarian fascist murderous freaks fellow travelers; sisters Air A. Merica and Current T. Vee; and friend of the collective family A. Corn.
Survivors include "our" children — every one of them, regardless how much you feel "yours" belong to you as "their" so-called parents or families — as well as her beloved godfather George Soros, and her most worshipped lord and savior Barack "Tingle Me Leggo" Obama.
Labels: DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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