Sunday, February 24, 2013 |
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names will never hurt me always offend me and get you convicted of a "hate crime"
Police probing Baldwin's 'race' rant at Post fotog as hate crime By LEONARD GREENE Last Updated: 5:04 AM, February 19, 2013 Posted: 2:03 AM, February 19, 2013 The NYPD's Hate Crime Task Force yesterday launched an investigation into Alec Baldwin's tirade at a Post photographer.
iberals paved this road with their Good Intentions™. Love it when an overloaded semi hauling Unintended Consequences® plows into their Priuses Volts. Detectives brought the lensman and a Post reporter to a downtown station house, where they were interviewed at length about their racially charged run-in with Baldwin outside the actor's East Village apartment building Sunday. Photographer G.N. Miller, a retired NYPD detective, told cops that Baldwin called him a "coon," a "crackhead" and a "drug dealer."
I'm sure Baldwin meant it in a tolerant, muticulturalist sort of way. Baldwin made other offensive comments, including telling reporter Tara Palmeri, "I want you to choke to death." He also told Miller to "suck my d--k."
After they determined that choking on Baldwin's is an anatomical impossibility, police decided not to add sexual harassment and terroristic threats to the charges. Both comments were caught on Palmeri's audiotape recorder.
Oops. More actual evidence of liberal racism(birm). As opposed to heaping blanket accusations of it on those who dare voice their sincere, strong political dissent against Øbameinführer's destructive policies. The tape was sent to the NYPD's forensic unit, police officials said. The tape was also rolling when a rattled Miller returned to the reporter after being called racist slurs and recounted his shock over the incident. "He said some foul s--t about my mom," Miller said. "He kept calling me a name, coon."
But, being a liberal, did so in a manner that was undoubtedly intended to promote ethnic diversity. Miller told investigators he showed Baldwin his retired cop ID because he thought that the actor was being "too aggressive." Miller said Baldwin rejected the identification as fake, a dismissal Baldwin repeated to his Twitter followers with racially loaded language. "Moments after I tweet about the Post, Ralston, the ex-crackhead 'photographer' shows up at my door w 1 of Murdoch's nieces in tow."
Clearly we must enact reasonable, common-sense language control. Surely no one "needs" a clip of hollow points holding more than, say, seven offensive words. He also tweeted, "Ralston claims he's ex NYPD!! That can't be!!! Ex NYPD don't become crackhead, ex jailhouse paparazzi!" He removed the posts from his Twitter feed soon after.
Coward. It is unclear why Baldwin called the photographer "Ralston."
Of course it wouldn't be had Baldwin instead called him "Macaca." Baldwin, 54, filed a complaint with police, alleging that Miller "pushed into him" during the incident. Miller filed a counter-complaint, claiming harassment.
Please, stop the hate! A source said that investigators are taking the allegations "very seriously" and that Baldwin could be charged with a hate crime if detectives find enough evidence of bias.
Mmwwhhahhahahahahahah The actor also was questioned by hate crimes detectives yesterday about the altercation.
New York City taxpayers will be pleased to know they have a whole task force working hard to take hate criminals off the streets. Baldwin refused to comment to a swarm of reporters gathered outside his building. Instead, the hot-tempered actor again used his favorite medium, Twitter, to proclaim his innocence — suggesting he couldn't be a racist because his charity once made a donation to a children's group named after the famed black tennis player Arthur Ashe. "I find it ironic that my foundation's last grant was $50,000 to the Arthur Ashe Learning Center," Baldwin tweeted.
He has African-American Friends™, too. But critics said Baldwin has gone too far. State Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) called on Hollywood to blacklist the tightly wound actor.
Liberals eager to embrace racial McCarthyism. Gotta love it. "If these allegations are true, then no television network or film studio should hire the veteran actor until he seeks help," Smith said.
It's the Re-education Camp® for you, Arec Barrwin! "In today's modern age, it's a disgrace that people still use remarks that provide hatred to others based on race, religion or origin."
Or politics also, liberals "think" feel. Noel Leader, co-founder of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, said Baldwin can't simply use his donation to the Ashe foundation as a defense. "One has nothing to do with the other," he said. "I can't see why anyone would patronize or support his craft. As a black male, I'm offended by the word 'coon,' but the other things are just as offensive, these stereotypical descriptions of the photographer as a crackhead and drug dealer. It's highly offensive."
Since offending anybody is such a Crime. Against. Humanity., this looks to be the one case where liberals can wholeheartedly support the death penalty. That is, liberals who really care. Noting Miller's decorated career with the NYPD, Leader said: "That's the irony of it all. Here's a man who put his life on the line to make the city safe from the drug element and he's being categorized as one, simply because he's black."
Too late to complain about the kind of treatment you keep receiving from your liberal masters. Should have thought about that before you sold yourself into Demøfascist-voter slavery. A spokesman for Baldwin, Matthew Hiltzik, said the actor had no comment on the hate-crimes investigation other than to repeat his denial that he made any racist remarks.
"Coon," after all, could mean anything: An animal whose skin Daniel Boone fashioned into hats, or whose age equals "a long while." Or shorthand for "corporate goon," as in an employee of Murdoch's Evil Profit-Making Corporation For Teh Rich Who Don't Pay Their Fair Share™. See? It simply could all be an unfortunate misunderstanding. Baldwin's pregnant wife, Hilaria, jumped to the actor's defense. "Shame on anyone who says my husband is racist," she tweeted. "If you could only see/hear the dangerous things paparazzi will do & the lies to get a 'story.'"
The media lie? or ever be biased? Can't be so. Liberals have been telling us for years that such claims are merely a sham and a myth. She praised her husband for going above and beyond the call of marital duty after he left home for a trip to a local market. "Who is a better husband than @ABFalecbaldwin?" Hilaria tweeted. "He ventures outside our home to the streets littered w paparazzi & 'reporters' to get me melon."
Fighting his way through lying "reporters" and risking exposure to the great unwashed on the way to one of their peasant stores — all just to purchase his pregnant wife a melon — certainly deserves nothing less than a Presidential Medal of Freedom. She blamed the paparazzi for forcing her to cancel her yoga classes. "Dear @YogaVidaNYC," she tweeted, using her yoga studio's Twitter name, "due to the paparazzi situation, I will not be teaching classes this week. I'll miss u & be back when these guys go away."
Causing yoga classes to be cancelled. Now the so-called reporters have gone too far! That in itself ought to be considered a "hate crime." It was a lawsuit filed against Hilaria's studio that apparently got Baldwin all bent out of shape in the first place. Additional reporting by Josh Saul, Lorena Mongelli and Jamie Schram
Fortunately, allowing someone to do dangerous handstands in a crowded yoga class isn't considered a "hate crime"... Yet.
Labels: liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, liberals unhinged, more liberal hypocrisy, more liberal intolerance, racist liberals (BIRM), socialist injustice

Friday, February 22, 2013 |
But he said he'd give me only a $15 one....
herefore, my boss has cut my salary by $85! He wants my kids to starve! He wants me to stop taking them to the doctor! He wants to see my whole family kicked out on the street and become homeless! How am I going to pay my mortgage and keep my kids from going hungry and without health and day care on just a $3,700-a-week salary?! I needed every bit of that $100 raise to prevent all these Horrible Things™ from happening! But, no! My boss doesn't care about people like me! He's mean! He's evil! He hates women, infants, and, of course, Teh Children®! Shame on him for totally destroying me and my family! This sequestration "argument" brought to you by the Demøfascist Party and its minionstream-media affiliates. (© 1917-2013 V. Lenin & Associates)
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), minionstream media, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

Saturday, February 16, 2013 |
No, he didn't.
ut let's say he had. And that he then tried to cover up his gross negligence and willful misconduct by claiming "a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world" and is solely responsible for their deaths, while conveniently failing to mention he had armed the very al-Qaeda terrorists who mercilessly slaughtered them. When Demøklutzes in Congress tried to get answers, he sent Condi, his secretary of state, to ask them, "What difference does it make!?" Another George — Orwell — would've blushed at such absolutely clear displays of intentional obfuscation and rash mendacity. Most importantly, to say the Demøcrony media™ would be up in arms and awarding themselves multiple Pulitzers over this, would be Teh Understatement® to end all understatements from now until the end of time Demøcrooks embrace forthrightness.
Labels: agenda driven mainstream media (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, treason, Worst. pResident. Ever.

Thursday, February 14, 2013 |
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.
ny claim that "we can't just cut our way to prosperity," that it's instead going to require "everybody doing their fair share," presupposes the national government's control over, well, everybody. It is, in fact, "a bigger government we need" to make such broad-based control possible. So the use of "investment" spending cuts to deny or limit that control is really anathema to the Øfascists presently in power who want much, much more. Nothing's new with these statists. Ronald Reagan observed and pointed out their machinations nearly a half-century ago. - [T]hey use terms like the "Great Society," or as we were told a few days ago by the President, we must accept a "greater government activity in the affairs of the people." But they have been a little more explicit in the past and among themselves — and all of the things that I now will quote have appeared in print. These are not Republican accusations. For example, they have voices that say "the cold war will end through acceptance of a not undemocratic socialism." Another voice says that the profit motive has become outmoded, it must be replaced by the incentives of the welfare state; or our traditional system of individual freedom is incapable of solving the complex problems of the 20th century. Senator Fullbright has said at Stanford University that the Constitution is outmoded. He referred to the president as our moral teacher and our leader, and he said he is hobbled in his task by the restrictions in power imposed on him by this antiquated document. He must be freed so that he can do for us what he knows is best. And Senator Clark of Pennsylvania, another articulate spokesman, defines liberalism as "meeting the material needs of the masses through the full power of centralized government." Well, I for one resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me — the free man and woman of this country — as "the masses." This is a term we haven't applied to ourselves in America. But beyond that, "the full power of centralized government" — this was the very thing the Founding Fathers sought to minimize. They knew that governments don't control things. A government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they know when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector of the economy.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), death of Freedom, elitist despot liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme

Thursday, February 07, 2013 |
Fanatically supports Baracrook Øfascist, gun control, Hilliary al-Qlinton, universal background checks, Dianne Freakenstein, "assault weapons" ban, Joe Bidense, "change," Moochelle Øbesophobe, gay "spouse" benefits, Demøcult propagandists Chris "Tingles" Matthews, Anderson Stooper, Jeffrey JournoList Toobin, David Rodham Gergen, ....
heartless, homicidal liberal(birm) targeting and brutally killing as many innocent people who get in his way as yes he can. Color me surprised. This murderous progressive(birm)'s message to his comrade-in-chief Baracrook Øfascist: "You've done a hell of a job.... I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012.... If you fail, the U.S. fails." Hilliary: "You'll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest.... Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President." Dianne Freakenstein: "You are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national ["assault weapons" ban].... Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America." Joe Plugs Bidense: "I've always been a fan of yours and consider you one of the few genuine and charismatic politicians." Moochelle is "a woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives." Jeffrey JournoList Toobin and David Rodham Gergen: "You are political geniuses and modern scholars. Hopefully Toobin is nominated for the Supreme Court." Etc., etc. Before denouncing such linkages as unfair, does anybody honestly think for one second the Demøcrony media® wouldn't be running story after story speculating about this mass murderer's political views and ties if the Tea Party or Sarah Palin received in his maniacfesto even a passing, slightly positive mention?
Labels: dinosaur media, heartless liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, socialist injustice, violent Democrats (BIRM)

Saturday, February 02, 2013 |
A real, take an enemy's bullet in the gut war; not some phony, take away government spending on "investments" in abortions/contraceptives one.
hom do you suppose hates women more now? The so-called progressive, mom jeans-wearing "man [sic]" who thinks feels a president has the power to order women into combat, or any of the real men in this world who believes with all his heart it's good for nobody? This is just the latest example of demented liberals(birm) taking fairness for the fairer sex to another of their usual extremes.
Labels: liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, liberals unhinged, Obama's War on the Constitution, Obama's War on Women, Obamabuse of Power, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM)
