Tuesday, January 08, 2013 |
As always, their tyrannical agendas trump everybody's security and freedoms.
n the liberal's "mind," there is no choice between personal liberty and public safety. Both can be summarily sacrificed together on the altar of extremist ideology if it means exploiting any opportunity at all to tighten even more brutishly their oppressive control over everything everybody does, says, and thinks. For them, that end justifies any and all means, including helpfully recommending to their criminal colleagues the best places to look when acquiring new weapons and creating new victims:
Reformed crooks say the New York newspaper that published a map of names and addresses of gun owners did a great service — to their old cronies in the burglary trade.
The information published online by the Journal-News, a daily paper serving the New York suburbs of Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties, could be highly useful to thieves in two ways, former burglars told FoxNews.com. Crooks looking to avoid getting shot now know which targets are soft and those who need weapons know where they can steal them.
Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, who spoke at a news conference flanked by other county officials, said the Journal News' decision to post an online map of names and addresses of handgun owners Dec. 23 has put law enforcement officers in danger.
"They have inmates coming up to them and telling them exactly where they live. That's not acceptable to me," Falco said, according to Newsday.
If a soldier gave away his buddies' exact positions and let the enemy know precisely what's in their arsenals, he would be justifiably court-martialed and hung as a filthy traitor. When extremely selfish and greedy totalitarian liberals(birm) do essentially the same thing to thousands of law-abiding American citizens, willfully and maliciously intending to destroy the common-sense safeguards those citizens reasonably expect to always enjoy, one-way climbs up the scaffold would be an equally fit and effective punishment.
It is an indefensibly abusive exercise of First Amendment rights to endanger individual citizens and the public alike as the liberal Journal-News' fascists(birm) are presently doing. Like anybody crying "Fire!" in a crowded theater, screaming "Stealable Guns Here!" and "Defenseless Homes Here!" in a crowded community is extremely reckless. He knows or should know that he's substantially and materially aiding and abetting criminals. Which everybody who isn't a liberal totally brain dead now realizes, is something liberals forever are inclined to do anyway.
Labels: criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., gun-grabbing ghouls, liberal hypocrites (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, socialist injustice, treason

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