Tuesday, January 22, 2013 |
"Members of Congress should take a pay cut until the federal budget is balanced." (
Government Gone Wild!)
ere's how to do it:
- Federal Revenue ÷ Federal Spending × Regular Salary = Actual Salary.
For example, Senate Demøfascist misLeader Hairy Reidtard and his sidekook House Demøfascist misLeader Ninny Peloseri's completely unearned annual salaries would each be:
- $2.469 trillion ÷ $3.796 trillion × $193,400 = $125,800.
That's a $67,600 pay cut. Their staff and other expenses would be cut by the same proportion as well. Every other member of Congress, too, would see a 35 percent cut in his/her/etc. salary and expenses; e.g., from a $174,000 salary to $113,200.
As a positive incentive, a pay raise would occur whenever pigs fly revenue surpasses spending. If, for example, federal revenue is 1.2 times more than federal spending, every member of Congress would receive a very much earned 20 percent pay raise.
Last fiscal year's revenue and spending amounts would determine this fiscal year's salaries. So Congress has to enact a better balance between the two before its members see any increase in their salaries.
A new law to vary Congressional pay in the above manner may be enacted now. However, under the Twenty-seventh Amendment, it would not take effect until after the 2014 mid-term elections.
Labels: Conservatism wins every time, extremely irresponsible liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, non-liberal ideas (aka Good Ideas)

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