Thursday, November 08, 2012 |
Twenty Demøfraud seats in two doom-filled years.
witching any 15 of the following 20 Dhimmoralrats' seats to Republican* in 2014 will give the American people a filibuster-proof pro-America Senate. Switching any six will give them a majority one.
- Alaska, 55% R in 2012
- Mark Begich, 48% in 2008
- Arkansas, 61% R
- Mark Pryor, 80%
- Colorado, 51% D
- Mark Udall, 53%
- Delaware, 59% D
- Chris Coons, 65%
- Illinois, 57% D
- Richard Durbin, 68%
- Iowa, 52% D
- Tom Harkin, 63%
- Louisiana, 59% R
- Mary Landrieu, 52%
- Massachusetts, 61% D
- John Kerry, 66%
- Michigan, 54% D
- Carl Levin, 63%
- Minnesota, 53% D
- Al Franken, 42%
| - Montana, 55% R in 2012
- Max Baucus, 73% in 2008
- New Hampshire, 52% D
- Jeanne Shaheen, 52%
- New Jersey, 58% D
- Frank Lautenberg, 56%
- New Mexico, 53% D
- Tom Udall, 61%
- North Carolina, 51% R
- Kay Hagan, 53%
- Oregon, 54% D
- Jeff Merkley, 49%
- Rhode Island, 63% D
- Jack Reed, 73%
- South Dakota, 58% R
- Tim Johnson, 63%
- Virginia, 51% D
- Mark Warner, 65%
- West Virginia, 62% R
- Jay Rockefeller, 64%
* including independents who caucus with Republicans.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, Senatormageddon

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