Beeeeecaaaaause heeeeee speeeeeeeeeaks veeeeeery slooooooowlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
f you're a woman working at the White House for Baracrook Misogynist Øfascist, there is no "equal pay for equal work" for you! It's "a genuinely hostile workplace to women" where you'll feel "like a piece of meat." Well, just use the Lilly Ledbetter Act to file a lawsuit against the lawbreaking Øfascist. Oh, that's right. No, you can't.
That's ØLiar's War on Women just within his own ranks.
- This is a perfect illustration of classic liberal hypocrisy. Obama is a terrible boss where women are concerned. But he expects women to vote for him so long as he mouths support for free birth control and suggests that Romney hates women and wants them barefoot and in the kitchen. The attitude demonstrates a contempt for women and an insult to their intelligence.
If working elsewhere, you're no better off than your sisters stuck behind the Real Enemy of American Women lines.
Øbysmal's record is already one of mowing down hundreds of thousands of your sisters' jobs. He's also tossed tens of millions of you into his Prisoner of Poverty camps, from which there is no escape. The carnage he's left is shocking.
- College tuitions have skyrocketed adding to the burden for women who outnumber men in college today. Four times more men get jobs than women. More women than men have lost their jobs during the past four years.... Hispanic women are the fastest and largest growing poverty group in America. It is a dire fact that 7.5 million women are in severe poverty.
Øfascist's on trial for his crimes against womanity. We the people will render our verdict of Guilty beyond any doubt whatsoever on November 6, and sentence his heinous, malignant political career to death by landsliding crush of our ballots.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, Obama's War on Americans, Obama's War on Hispanics, Obama's War on the Middle Class, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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