Thursday, September 13, 2012 |
Miserably.ur diplomats massacred. Our embassies invaded, occupied, and destroyed. Our enemies emboldened. Our allies abandoned and betrayed.
"This is what democracy looks like"?
If it's hordes of violent, marauding islamøfascists taking over county after country and ambushing and killing defenseless American officials because somebody "hurt the religious feelings of Muslims," then the whole Øbamaladministration wouldn't be as fantastically wrong, misguided, pigheaded, weak, and gutless as its failure-in-chief and his policies of appease first, surrender later keep making it appear to the entire world.
Perhaps Øbower ought to personally bow lower to these islamurdering animals. In the Hope™, of course, they'll eat sodomize him last.
Yeah, that would be a real Change®.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, Obamoron, surrender monkeys, treason, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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