Thursday, September 20, 2012 |
Lied when he said "protesters" massacred our ambassador and his fellow Americans in Libya. Now this:
ppearing on the Letterman Show Øbamasskissing Spectacle™, after he stood up the head of state of America's strongest ally in the Middle East in the middle of an evolving international crises over there, lying ØLiar lied that—
One thing I've never tried to do is – and I think none of us can do in public office – is suggest that because someone doesn't agree with me that they're victims, or they're unpatriotic, or they don't have a sense of responsibility.
Never tried to do that, lying ØLiar? Have you already forgotten this?—
Number 43 added four trillion dollars by his lonesome – that's irresponsible, that's unpatriotic.
Was that your equally evil twin brother who said that about President Bush?
So, if it was "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" for him to add four trillion dollars to our national debt, what does that make you? You've added nearly six trillion to it!
Make no mistake: By your own "standards," you're 50 percent more irresponsible and unpatriotic than President Bush.
Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government, criticized the president for adding "more debt in a single term than any president in American history."
"By the time his fiscal year 2013 spending has fully gone into effect, Obama will have added a full $5.823 trillion to the debt," he said. "Obama cannot blame his predecessors. By his policies alone ... Obama will have increased the national debt by 46.9 percent by the end of calendar year 2012."
Of course that all pales in comparison next to how much more of a pathologically lying liar you are than he could — including inside any of your and your lying comrade fascist liberal liars' pathetic psychotic fantasies — ever even try to be.
Labels: extremely irresponsible liberals (BIRM), inconvenient facts, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), unpatriotic liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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