You keep getting a raw deal, while His Lyingness only deals from the bottom of the deck.aracrook Øliar has stacked the deck against you.
More of you joined the ranks of the disabled than could find jobs last month. You haven't bet on finding any other way to survive in Der Fübar's non-recovery "recovery." Clearly it's a giant leap in the wrong direction.
It should now be more than painfully obvious to everyone except the fiddytarders still drowning in their own drool, this joker's wild, out of control spending sprees have built up a pot that yes only his extremist commierad pals can win. He's addictively and recklessly gambled with your money, and you've lost. Big time. Not just you, but your children and grandchildren too. And every bet it's the same old thing:
First, he'll grin as he deals you and your employer and customers a dead man's hand. Then, before you even see it, he'll sneak up and shoot you all from behind with clip after clip after clip of job-killing taxes.
Make No Mistake®: Øfascist has every card marked for America's economic death. He, like all other enemies of America's free markets, are betting only on America's fiscal destruction and financial demise. How else can they, yes, finish "fundamentally transforming" the game into Soviet Socialist Severe-Crud Stud™?
So the stakes couldn't be higher this election.
In the Cheater-n-Thief's hand are only the executive privilege card, the class warfare card, and, of course, the race card.
But you still have an ace in the hole: Your voter registration card.
Play it right this go around and we all win.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Obama kills more jobs, Obama's War on America, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), The Obama Depression

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