Neither the Social Security/Medicare Analogy™ nor the Automobile Insurance one applies to the purely partisan "Affordable" "Care" Act Dictatorship.veryone breathes, therefore, ipso facto, everyone must be forced to sign contracts and to otherwise participate in commerce.
What country do Demøfascists, who alone foisted that unprecedented monstrosity on us, think feel they live in? Communist China? The "former" Soviet Union?
Only in their wettest dreams.
Where in that "living, breathing" all but dead document known as the Constitution is it written that yes we can be compelled, under color of law — especially one they first have to pass before yes "you can find out what is in it" — to buy any object of commerce approved solely by Demøfascists?
The No Right to Choose Clause®?
Our Constitution begins to lose its essential meaning when the fascist schemes of strictly partisan hacks in two branches of "our" government can progress this far without any semblance of checks and balances, much less sanity.
It is the real hope of the American people the third branch will change all that.
“Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God”
“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”
–Abraham Lincoln
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), National Socialist liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on Americans

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