Shouldn't history be longer than a few years before Yes Liberals Can® rewrite it?- President Obama Signs FY 2009 Budget into Law
Posted: 3/12/2009
President Barack Obama has signed the FY 2009 federal budget into law, representing final action on the budget for the current fiscal year.
inny Pelooni, then Screecher of the House, and her comrade Demøspenderrats who totally controlled Congress between 2007 and 2011, decided it would be "unhelpful" to pass any budget before the election Coronation of their Der Fübar as pResident Biggest.Spender.Ever.-in-Chief, Defender of the Record Budget Deficit™ and Protector of Mount Everest after Mount Everest after Mount Everest of National Debt™.
Really, liberals. Everyone knows you're autonomic liars — and bad ones at that. But these ongoing desperate attempts of yours to Blame! Bush!!1!11!^#&&^!!!® for an annual budget that Democrooks alone had power to pass — but refused to while Evil BusHitler McHalliburton remained in office — are beyond pathetic.
As obaMSNBCa reported the day its Øbameinführer signed the 2009 budget bill,
In a sign of his discomfort with the bill, Obama signed it in private. He declined to answer a shouted reporter's question about why.
Obama also released a "signing statement"....
Wait. Don't liberals hate signing statements?
Only when a Republican releases one, apparently.
Also, just two weeks before he signed that budget in secret, Der Fübar proclaimed,
Today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first [only –FIFY] term in office.
Of course Øfascist Lied, the Deficit Cut Died.
In 2009, the year Obama took office, the annual deficit was $1.4 trillion....
But instead of the "promised" cut in half, it now stands at $1.327 trillion.
The only "half" here is the half wit — and that's being overly generous — who "promised" the deficit would be 50 percent less.
No he can't change his need, like all fascist liberals(birm), to tell the American people such whopping lies.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), desperate liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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