With all the spending Baracrook Øfascist has approved just in excess of public-money receipts, yes we could've put over 6,000 people on the moon during his term(ination of America)!
es we can call it the Øbamoon Colony™.
One of those Øbamoonites is named Julia. She has a son, Zachary.
Zachary's stepfather, of course, is Un¢le $am.
At ten years old, Zachary — or Zack, as he prefers to be called now — weighs only 14 pounds! So his teacher doesn't report him and his parent — singular, not plural — to Moochelle's Fat Nazis®.
A few weeks before his eleventh birthday, Zack takes a walk outside. But the "free" helmet the government issued him has a leak.
So Zack suffers extreme oxygen deprivation and becomes a vegetable.
Unfortunately for him, Øbamoon"Care" requires a test to determine whether Zack is "morally relevant" enough to receive any medical treatment. Zack, of course, fails the test.
The government then tells Julia she is not allowed to give her son any more food because he will no longer be able to feed himself.
Zack starves. Blissfully and euphorically, of course.
A little over a week later, Zack dies.
Julia now regrets using all the "free" contraceptives the government has been giving her over the years so she could repeatedly experience, without any consequences, the joys of low-gravity sex.
Of course, Julia blames Richard Nixon for all her troubles.
After all, if he hadn't "made the call" to put a man on the moon, there never would've been an Øbamoon Colony™.
Her Zachary would be walking around outside today.
Without a space helmet, of course.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, anti-America liberals (BIRM), greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, socialist injustice, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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