His masters have beat their errant black slave property back into submission. So it's mint juleps all around!
hen you're the shackled property of the Demøracist Party, which long ago bought and has continually owned you, you should know better than to even risk incurring your masters' wrath.
- The liberal media are pounding him, while David Axelrod, the chief strategist for the Obama campaign, went on the air to scold Mr. Booker as "just wrong" and that "there are specific instances here that speak to an economic theory that isn't the right economic theory for the country." Translation: If the campaign is going to successfully demonize Mitt Romney as a marauding capitalist, it can't have
fellow [the wholly-owned property of] Democrats defending capitalism.
Now you're a good and obedient slave, mayor. Just keep mindlessly doing exactly what your owners order you to do and they won't have to again flog you in public as an example for any of their other property that might ever think of getting such "uppity" notions.
- Like a chastened
child [slave], Booker has been backtracking [his way to his masters' oppressive cotton field].
Your Demøracist masters undoubtedly wish you weren't so "articulate and bright and clean." But thanks to them and all the inner cities slave quarters their party totally and exclusively controls, they won't have to worry too much about there being many more like you.
After all, only a 150 years ago Demoracists were doing everything they could to deny their property any real opportunity to even learn how to read or write, much less think independently and speak articulately.
Given what Demøracists have been doing to practically every public school still completely under their whip, it's clear they remain extremely committed to that task.
That way yes they can keep their slaves not only from expressing any unacceptable thoughts, but in lifelong bondage to them.
Make no mistake: The constant hope of your Demøracist owners, masters, and overseers is that your status as political chattel will never change.
Labels: liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, liberals are always extreme, more liberal hypocrisy, more liberal intolerance, Obama's War on Black People, socialist injustice

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