A promise ØbrokeUS may not have made, but one he has certainly kept.et me be clear: Children born not aborted under Øfascist"Care" using our money a hundred years from now will still be paying off Øbankrupt's Endless Mountain Chains of Irresponsible and Unpatriotic Debt™ bills well into their adult lives. That is, unless we put down the collective razor blades and unplug that toaster we're all this close to taking a bath with. But we better do it by November 6, because afterwards it will be too late for everyone.
Make no mistake: Yes we can and will go broke as a people and a nation if we continue any farther down Teh Road We've Traveled (© 1917-2012 Øbamarx & Øbamao).
Ø'Blaming others won't help. LU News Flash: George Bush Out of Office, Day 1155!
LU News Flash Update: Study Finds Demøcrooks Controlled Both Houses of Congress 62% of Øblamebush's Term, and the Senate 100%!
Let me be clear: Bushblamer-in-chief Øbrainless has been taking us all for a ride — a ride down the wrong road.
At the end of this road is an extremely high, steep cliff. At the bottom of that cliff are extremely sharp, jagged rocks. And each of those rocks has our country's name on it.
Make no mistake: Our only Hope® is to Change™ the driver.
Otherwise we'll soon swiftly pass the point of no return. Then there will be nothing that any of us can do besides watch helplessly as we barrel over the edge of the cliff before smashing on the rocks below.
Then there will be nothing left but a broken and bloody heap:
A lifeless heap formerly known as America.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Obama's War Against the People, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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