Thursday, February 23, 2012 |
Enemy of America's Economy- According to official government estimates, North America has a total of 1.79 trillion barrels of recoverable oil, about twice the total combined proven reserves of every OPEC nation. If we drill, drill, drill and pipe, pipe, pipe prices will drop considerably. Moreover, because markets are forward looking, even announcing a serious effort to allow production will drop prices considerably in the near term in anticipation of future supply.
[But Baracrook Øbstinate] again today promised to... offer massive giveaways to political allies in the wind and solar industries, which have never been shown to be economically viable and have no connection to gasoline prices. This is because about zero percent of Americans are poised to switch to wind or solar powered cars.
ake no mistake: Øsaboteur is doing everything in his abuses of power to make sure that America's economic engine literally runs out of gas.
• | | Øtraitor's extremist interior secretary commieczar was held in contempt of court for imposing an unlawful moratorium on deep water exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. |
• | | Øtraitor's extremist "energy" commieczar has repeatedly called for gas prices at European levels of $8 a gallon and higher. |
• | | Øtraitor's extremist preference isn't lower gas prices, but "a gradual adjustment" to extremely high gas prices. |
What "better" way to bring America's economy down so yes he can rebuild it in his own nazional-socialist image?
During last night's Republican presidential debate, only Newt Gingrich addressed Øtraitor's economic treason.
- I've developed a program for American energy so no future president will ever bow to a Saudi king again and so every American can look forward to $2.50 a gallon gasoline....
The leading developer of North Dakota oil estimated recently that, if we would open up federal land and open up offshore, you would have $16 trillion to $18 trillion — not billion — trillion dollars in royalties to the federal government in the next generation, an enormous flow which would drive down prices to $2.50 a gallon, would help us balance the budget and would create millions of jobs.
[T]he first thing I'd do... is create a very dramatic American energy policy of opening up federal lands and opening up offshore drilling, replacing the EPA....
We have enough energy in the United States that we would be the largest producer of oil in the world by the end of this decade. We would be capable of saying to the Middle East, "We frankly don't care what you do."
Labels: greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, Obama kills more jobs, Obama's War Against the People, Obama's War on America, treason, unpatriotic liberals (BIRM)

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