Tuesday, December 06, 2011 |
That's what your "payroll tax cut" means.Unlike our income taxes that government takes for general revenue and unspecified spending, the payroll tax is earmarked and specified. It pays for Social Security....
When the tax was reduced "temporarily" last year from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent, were working Americans asked to agree to an equivalent cut in their Social Security benefits that that payroll tax pays for?
Of course not.
No, Øbamiserable Failure can't be arsed to give you an Income Tax Cut, no matter how poor you are. Indeed, he and his party PolitburØ want you to suffer an Income Cut the moment you retire. Dumbasses.
No, instead of any real tax cut that you and the rest of us Øbamavillites® don't wind up paying for in the future, he and his party Commie Comrades™ have raised your sales taxes on your vices. Idiots.
No, don't forget to include, either, the higher taxes he and his party fascist gøøns soon will force you to pay if you dare have the audacity to refuse his "generous" offer to shell out you hard-earned money for health insurance that, conveniently, his paid-off insurance lobbyist cronies are selling. Retards.
No, we can't afford any of these tax hikes and benefits cuts Øbameinführer and his Demøcrook accomplices want to continually shove down all our throats — excluding theirs, of course. Fools.
But you're going to continue to get all of them unless, yes, we can ensure Øfascist and his entire gøøse-stepping gang wind up as permanently unemployed next November as they've made tens of millions of us now.
According to the [U.S. government], 11.4 million Americans do not have an income, do not pay income tax, and do not contribute producing goods and services. Indeed, almost
15% of Americans (45.8 million) are now on food stamps. This is a substantial drag on economic growth.
Shocking figures... one in 15 people in America is now living in poverty. [Heckuva "job," Øbamorons. Heckuva "job." –LR]
Labels: greedy and selfish liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Obama kills more jobs, Obama's War Against the People, socialist injustice, The Obama Depression