All for the worse, of course.ince His Dangerous Incompetency Bumslacker Øfailure began to occupy "our" White House:
 | There are 17 percent more of us in the unemployment line, 16 percent more in poverty, and 41 percent more on food stamps. |
 | There are 28 percent more Blacks/African Americans unemployed. |
 | There are 17 percent more Hispanics/Latinos unemployed. |
 | There are 45 percent more of our businesses filing for bankruptcy. |
 | Our health insurance premiums are 23 percent more expensive. |
 | Our gas prices have gone up 85 percent. |
 | Our crude oil prices have shot up an astoundingly 143 percent. |
 | There are 48 percent less of our offshore oil and gas rigs operating. |
 | Our Gross Domestic Product is withering at an anemic 2.3 percent annual "growth" rate. |
 | We've been burdened with 39 percent more government debt. |
 | Our budget deficit is a whopping 178 percent more a percentage of GDP. |
 | Our nation's Misery Index is 65 percent higher. |
 | Our home values are 11 percent lower. |
 | Our country has dropped from first to fifth in global competitiveness. |
 | Our banks are failing at an astronomically 1,973 percent higher rate. |
 | We're engaged in 50 percent more military conflicts, with that entire increase being completely unlawful. |
In terms of His Epic Failureness's favorite
pastime full-time activity, he's shooting about a million over par
on each hole.

Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Obama's War Against the People, socialist injustice, The Obama Depression