Wednesday, September 28, 2011 |
 | versus | Nøt Able
Herman Cain is a longtime, extraordinarily successful business leader. | | Baracrook Øbungler is a long-winded extremist and miserable failure. |
Within 14 months of becoming President and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, Herman Cain returned the company to profitability. | | Within 14 months of becoming pResident and Telepromptee of the United States, Bigjerk Øblamer wrecked the country with extremely high unemployment, budget deficits, and mountains of unrepayable debt. |
Under Herman Cain's leadership, all 400 of his Burger King stores went from least profitable to most profitable in just three years. | | Under Fup-uck Øherberthoover's misleadership, all 50 of his "57 States" went from regular recession to The Great Recession™ in less than three years. |
Former Navy mathematician Herman Cain is a rocket scientist. | | Current nefarious politician Blockhead Øblew-it is dumber than a bag of rocks. |
Herman Cain has bought a business and actually created or saved private-sector jobs. | | Backpocket Øbonehead has been bought off by his Big Union boss buddies and maniacally destroyed and lost us millions of jobs. |
Herman Cain was on the board of directors of Aquila, Nabisco, Whirlpool, Reader's Digest, and AGCO. | | Benedict Øbarnold is on board with the likes of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, thug group SEIU, voter intimidators "New" Black Panthers, "amigo" dictator Hugo Chavez, bailed out Solyndra crooks, and Jew-murdering Hamas. |
Herman Cain's common sense plan to reform our taxes will be a welcomed blessing to all Americans — the one long awaited by every taxpayer — and has been labeled "9-9-9." | | Beelzebub Øtaxandspend's extremely insane plots to raise our taxes has been a dreadful curse on all Americans — øne that is constantly weighing on every taxpayer — and thus should be labeled "6-6-6." |
As associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta, Herman Cain regularly attends church on Sundays. | | As "former" member of Racist "Reverend" Jeremiah "God D––– America!" Wright's "church" radical socialist commune in Chicago, Barassholefreak Ødowngrader regularly goes golfing on Sundays. |
For liberal bigots(birm) who judge people by the color of their skin: Herman Cain is all black and all American. | | Bedroom-slippers Øracist is half white, half Kenyan, all Marxist, and øne who has zero character. |
eal Hope and Cain.
Cain We Need.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, a Republic if we can keep it, good versus evil, Herman Cain, liberals are always extreme, Obama's War on America

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