Sunday, September 25, 2011 |
Part 14,726,790,407,954- Solyndra Inc., which manufactured solar panels at its plant in Fremont, Calif., received $535 million in Energy Department loans, and President Obama talked glowingly about how the company was "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." Instead of creating work for Americans after receiving taxpayer money, the company shipped half its manufacturing jobs to China. In August, Solyndra declared bankruptcy and laid off 1,100 workers.
each layoff: $486,364
Solyndra CFO Wilbur "Price-Fixing" Stover's pay: $831,000
watching Baracrook Øfascist's fellow crooks all plead the Fifth on national TV: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- The bailout that General Motors received from the government came with a price: The carmaker was tasked to create the ultimate green vehicle. The result — the Chevy Volt — is a product with an exorbitant price tag that nobody wants to buy. Despite vast government subsidies, GM only sold 3,200 cars in the first eight months since the electric plug-in vehicles hit the marketplace.
Chevy Volt: $42,513
median household income in 2008: $52,930 (in today's dollars)
median household income in 2010: $49,445
Jimmy Carter's promotion from Worst.President.Ever. to Second-worst.President.Ever.: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- Evergreen Solar Inc., of Massachusetts, which received $58 million in stimulus money and other government largesse, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August and closed its plant in Midland, Mich. Not being able to compete against the Chinese and their low-wage workers, the company racked up $485 million in debt and cut 800 jobs, with more cuts to come as the company restructures.
each killed job: $72,500
net amount in the red: $427,000,000
knowing Øbird"brain" is going to lose his job too in just 484 days: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- The city of Seattle received $20 million in federal stimulus money to help homeowners make their houses more energy-efficient. Some 16 months later, 14 jobs were created and three homes were weatherized. Most of the money went to a company to train workers to weatherize buildings, but the lack of demand for the service meant those trainees had no work to do.
each (gan)green "job": $1,428,571
weatherizing each home: $6,666,667.
seeing Øbonehead's "job" approval ratings continually hit all-time lows: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- After Obama's stimulus package doled out billions to subsidize the weatherization of homes, the Labor Department delayed the project by seven months while it determined the prevailing-wage standards for those green jobs — a sop to the President's union supporters. That is just one reason why the program turned into a miserable failure. In its first year, the program spent $508 million to create 600 jobs and update 9,000 homes nationwide.
new "prevailing wage": $846,667
updating each home: $56,444
holding Øblockhead accountable for putting a record 46.2 million Americans in poverty: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- Johnson Controls, which manufactures batteries for electric and hybrid cars at its plant in Holland, Mich., received $300 million in taxpayer help and created a grand total of 150 jobs — or $2 million per job. That must qualify as a huge success in the green-job world, as President Obama visited the facility in August, using the trip to attack Republicans and a "do-nothing government." Yes, Mr. President, sometimes doing nothing is preferable to shoveling money into a hole.
each battery making job: $2,000,000
Øbackstab's proposed cut from military service members's retirement programs: $42,500,000,000
setting an 01/20/2013 expiration date for all this Øbamalaise™: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®- Clark County, Nev., which happens to be the home of the gambling mecca of Las Vegas, received $490,000 in stimulus money from the U.S. Forest Service to plant trees in urban neighborhoods (more palm trees on The Strip?). The stimulus that resulted from the grant to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's home state created 1.7 jobs (one full-time employee and one part time) and 11 temporary jobs. You get a better return for your money at the slot machines.
each tree planting job: $288,235
new "unpatriotic" debt "created or saved" by ØbenedictArnold: $4,099,913,359,041
firing Øbozo for downgrading America's credit rating and bankrupting our nation: priceless
there are some things Øbungler's Spendulus can't buy,
for everything else there's ØbamiserableFail®o, our country can't afford any more such extremely Øburdensome wastes, frauds, and abuses.
Four grueling years of them and him are enough!
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, liberals are always extreme, Obama hates military people, Obama kills more jobs, Obamabuse of Power, Real Jobs Bill: FIRE OBAMA, The Great Mistake of 2008, The Obama Depression

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