Blamer-in-Chief orally breaks more wind.
is Shovelready Joblessness™ has a plan!
Yes, He Does! Yes, He Does! Yes, He Does! Yes, He Does! Yes, He Does! Yes, He Does!
But you'll have to wait until freakin' September before He'll let you see it.
That's some "leadership."
Hundreds of thousands more jobs lost and destroyed between now and then. But that's OK.
His S**thead-Windyness™ has a plan! even more empty promises.
Is this what He means by "lead from behind"? Falling behind is more like it. Plans we needed yesterday. Action we need today. Results are what we'll be needing in September, not "plans."
To "lead" from behind you have to push your followers.
That's not leadership. It's cowardly and ineffective.
A real leader is out front, pulling his followers forward. He's first to stare danger right in the eye — not the first looking around for someone to blame.
But leadership and (zer)øbama are two words that have no business appearing in the same library together. Much, much, ..., much less in the same book, chapter, or even paragraph. Certainly not ever in the same sentence. The utter incongruity of that proximity would create such an enormous Singularity O' Doom™ our entire universe would instantanously, totally, and of course mercifully collapse in on itself.
To be fair, there's one good thing about His Coming Soon! To An Unemployment Line Near You!® "plan" mindlessly monotonous pablum of empty promises:
When you're standing hour after hour after hour in that long, long, ..., long unemployment line next month, at least you'll have, compared to that, something even more hopeless, boring, and a complete waste of time to slog through and focus your blank stares on as you wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait....
Labels: Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, Obama's War on America, out-of-touch liberals (BIRM), The Obama Depression