RNC's "Change Direction" campaign means nothing if the U.S. debt ceiling is raised.ass a bill in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives that says every single Social Security check will be paid in full and on time. Period. Dare Senate Desperats to kill it. Dare the Gølfer-in-Chief to put down his clubs long enough to veto it. Then let the American people decide who's really on the side of Teh Most Vulnerable™ in our country.
In the same bill, list in order the federal programs, agencies, etc. which must be fully funded before, yes, the next item on the list can. At the very bottom of that list put Øfascist"Care". Better yet, leave it and every other National Socialist German Desperat "Workers"' Party bailout, takeover, moratorium, etc. off the list altogether.
When any Desperats bring up their same old tired Raise Taxes® "answer" to the debt catastrophe — the same catastrophe created entirely under their watch — laugh in their faces. Spitting on those same smug fascist libtarded faces is an acceptable response, too.
All of the above are the absolute minimum the Republican Party must do in order to only begin to regain the trust it completly lost during its relatively smaller and thus only slightly less outrageous super-spending sprees.
The U.S. Credit Card is officially maxed out. Time to set priorities and cut back on those massive, unaffordable extravegances collectively known as the Federal Government.
Not 10, 15, etc. "out years" from now.
Right now.
Today, the RNC's website trumpets "Change Direction" in bold letters beside a shadowy image of Obama. If only that commitment were genuine. Sadly, absent a significant tea-party revolution at the polls next year, we can expect more of the same, no matter what the party tells us in its ads, direct mail and website. That direction has us teetering on the edge of a financial abyss. To avoid collapse of our republic, we must turn 180 degrees, returning to the limited central government intended by the founders and required by the Constitution.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), desperate liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of fear, liberals are always extreme

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