"Smartiestest. Peeweezeedunt. Evvvahh!!!!11!!1ONEHUNDREDELEVENTIES!!!11!!."- Within the last three years, the [lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øba]media's self-appointed smartest President [sic] in modern history has insulted the Special Olympics, mixed up the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, falsely claimed that his American Uncle liberated Auschwitz, signed the Westminster Abbey guest book with the date 24 May 2008 when the date was really 24 May 2011, mispronounced "corpsman" when speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, and perhaps most egregiously, God's gift to the presidency couldn't even distinguish between living and dead Medal of Honor recipients.
And that's just off the top of my head....
The [lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øba]media will let Democrats get away with driving a girl off a bridge and leaving her to die (Ted Kennedy), but Republicans, especially unapologetic conservative ones, won't be given the benefit of the doubt, even when it comes to inconsequential errors.
...journalists [sic] could turn their sharp pens and cantankerous voices to the growing number of businesses suspiciously exempted from ObamaCare[Less], the expanding number of surveys reporting that employers are dropping coverage because of the President's [sic] health-care law, and the Democrats' inability to offer any proposals to reform our Medicare system
ut then they wouldn't be lickspittle libtarded lamestream(birm) Øbamediot propagandists "journalists."
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), more liberal intolerance, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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