The liberals' officially endorsed nominee.rer Rabbit was far more subtle than these Liar Patch Kidz™: "Oh please Brer GOP, whatever you do, please don't fling us in that brier patch up against that 'reshaped' Republican field!"
- And again, the Washington Post story here from Chris Cillizza: "Mitch Daniels, the Man Who Could Reshape the Republican Field." Here you have an agent of the regime, State-Controlled Media, writing a piece that essentially says Mitch Daniels is the only guy that can save the Republican Party, and Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana, is the only guy who can give the Republican Party any weight, any seriousness, and if he decides not to run, why, it's all over. And you even have Obama quoted talking about how formidable Daniels would be, (imitating Obama) "Yeah, he's a very serious guy, don't agree with him on everything, but he's formidable." Well, that's another thing. Yeah, Obama and the Democrats, they really do want us to nominate their biggest threat, right? They really do want us to nominate the guy they think can beat them. The fact is they would love the nominee to be Ron Paul. They would love the nominee to be somebody that's gonna get 20% of the vote. They don't want the nominee to be somebody that can beat 'em, yet here's a story about how they love that guy.
It could be about anybody. I'm not attacking Mitch Daniels. I'm sitting here, I'm reading the news, and I'm analyzing it as I do, seeing the stitches on a fastball. "Should Daniels opt not to run, on the other hand, the unpredictability that has ruled the race would almost certainly continue unabated." A field without Daniels would equal the end of the Republican Party. That's what the story says. Well, that's what Obama wants. The end of the Republican Party is what all of insider Washington wants, and here's a piece about how to do it. We're supposed to sit here and think they want us to nominate somebody they think can beat them. Sorry. I'm not buying. That's not how it works.
Bob McFord, John McDole, Mitch McCainiels. Each the liberals' Most Favored Nominee.
Been there. Done that. All we got was another lousy "Teh Only Viable Candidate®" tee shirt lecture.
Labels: 2012: end of an err0r, Conservatism wins every time, DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), stinking RINOplasty, The Great Mistake of 2008

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