"Islam" is Arabic for "murderously thin-skinned."ehead Those Who Insult Islam." The official motto of the Religion of "Peace." If by "peace," you mean viscously slaughter everyone who disagrees with you until there's no on left on the planet who is able or willing to disagree with you. In which sense, there finally is peace — for you, that is.
Cowardly muslim terrorists(birm) targeting and butchering innocent, unarmed civilians.
That's not news.
Nor is the fact that liberals are placing all the blame for that butchering — all committed in the name of liberals' Most Favored Religion™ — on someone other than any of the actual butchers.
An attention-craving preacher burns a Qur'an Book of Hate™. Followers of this Book of Hate go out and cold-bloodedly murder anyone they can get their hands knuckle-dragged claws on. Attention-craving preacher's point ably, amply, and incontrovertibly proved: islam is not, by any rational standard, a "religion of peace." Liberals crawling out from under their respective rocks to defend such "religion" against "intolerance," "violent rhetoric," and "phobia" is an ironic bonus.
Except there are better ways to insult a "religion" so thoroughly deserving of every insult that everyone who is willing and able to see it for the murderously dangerous cult and worldwide, malignant cancer it futilely pretends it isn't, and to heap on it all the insults it has earned and should entirely receive, can imagine.
The next time murderous muslims(birm), in the name of their "religion" primitive moongod prejudices and deadly intolerance, attack and kill another large group of innocent people, we "insult" their "religion" by doing a bit of landscaping. In Mecca. A hundred megatons of it, to be precise.
With that "religion" dead and all its former followers either scattered or beaten, islam will, for once in its overly long, misery-spreading existence, truly be the vehicle — after it's totally burned out and hydraulically crushed, of course — upon which the world achieves a real and lasting peace.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, idiot liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), multidhimmitudism, Religion of Decease, World War IV

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