You didn't propose it. Your teleprompter never prompted you to ask for it. Besides, given the $1.3 Trillion deficit in the Vote-"Present"™ "budget" that yes, you did conceive and create, it's really nothing to brag about.f it's clear your family's going to wind up $1,354 short of paying the bills this year, what are you going to do?
Well, if you're Øbawhore, you accept Little Johnny's offer to "sacrifice" that new $38 Mafia 2 II Xbox 360 game he was planning to get.*
Now you have to borrow only $1,316 to "pay" those bills.
Pat yourself on the back!
What a wonderful "achievement."
Mark it down on the calendar as "Teh Biggest Annual Spending Cut™®© Ever In Our Family's Whole Entire History!!!11!!ELEVENTY!!!1!" Day.
Just don't be surprised when, after telling your neighbors why you're shooting off all the credit-card-bought fireworks in your front yard, each and every one of them — without exception — says, "Big freakin' deal."
Really, Øbawhore. Do you think feel we're all as extremely retarded brain-dead as you?
* Little Patty's, of course, screaming he's trying to
"kill" her because he had dared offer to "sacrifice," also, the couch change — all 36
cents of it!
Labels: Impeach.Obama.Now., liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), The Obama Depression, thieving liberals (BIRM), Worst. pResident. Ever.

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