DNWMA ("days, not weeks," my a**) — or Quagmire, for short.r. Communisty "Organizer":
We will continue to (merely) support the efforts to protect the Libyan people.
But we will not be in the lead.
(And, no, he didn't.)
A real president, Ronald Reagan:
- (In responding to Libya's direct attacks against Americans,) I said we would act with others if possible, and alone if necessary, to ensure that terrorists have no sanctuary anywhere.
(And, yes, he did.)
In weeks, not days, we begin impeachment proceedings against Mr. Criminality Organizer unless he quits unlawfully bombing innocent Libyan civilians and illegally stealing their oil:
- 50 USC 1544(b) Within sixty calendar days after [Øblood4oil's March 21st report to Congress — i.e., May 19]... the President [or pResident, or Golfer/Vacationer/Fundraiser-in-Chief] shall terminate any use of United States Armed Forces with respect to which such report was submitted (or required to be submitted), unless the Congress (1) has declared war or has enacted a specific authorization for such use of United States Armed Forces [or] (2) has extended by law such sixty-day period....
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, at any time that United States Armed Forces are engaged in hostilities outside the territory of the United States, its possessions and territories without a declaration of war or specific statutory authorization, such forces shall be removed by the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution.
Labels: Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberals are always extreme, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal hypocrisy, Obamabuse of Power, Obawarmonger, videos, Worst. pResident. Ever.

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