Friday, December 03, 2010 |
Vicious liberal Demøfascist totalitarians(birm) vindictively stab our Republic in the back. And so do RINOs.hose who would sell out our essential national security to purchase a little temporary backroom deal to delay The Biggest Tax Increase in U.S. History™, deserve neither our support nor our votes.
- Senate Republicans Set to Bargain Away Our National Security
One month ago today, millions of Americans voted to reject big-government and the backroom deals that defined the Obama presidency. Now, some of the same Senate Republicans who rode that momentum to electoral victory appear to be on the verge of ignoring that message by striking a deal to trade passage of the dangerous New START treaty for an extension of the current tax rates....
We have explained, in detail, how the treaty limits our missile defense capability, why the verification provisions are inadequate and what restrictions are placed on our non-nuclear weapons — all to the great detriment to our ability to defend ourselves in an increasingly dangerous world.
During the past couple weeks, news reports suggest our concerns were well founded. America has learned the Russians were moving tactical nuclear weapons closer to our NATO allies. Senators learned that Secretaries Gates and Clinton were less than forthcoming when it came to a side deal on missile defense....
The case against the New START Treaty is built on principle, not politics. If Senate Republicans continue down this path, they will lose the goodwill of conservatives around the country and justify the skepticism of the American people.
With "friends" like these, who needs Demøcrasshole freaks?
RINOs will be the death of us all.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, lying liberals (BIRM), Obama's War on America, surrender monkeys, treason, violent Democrats (BIRM), World War IV

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