Wednesday, October 27, 2010 |
Same old attacks, blame games, and refusals to take any responsibility for anything.angerously irresponsible Demøfreaks(birm) have left America's government without a budget. A budget required by both our constitution and federal law.
Why? Because Demøcrooks are all out of ideas.
Since seizing "our" Congress over three years ago, miserably failing Demøfreaks(birm) have wrecked America's economy and killed tens of millions of Americans' jobs.
Why? Because Demøcrooks are all out of ideas.
Dangerously incompetent Demøfreaks(birm), showing little sense of perspective, much less reality, have driven up America's debt to astronomical, even unrepayable levels, and saddled each American with the bills for their out-of-control spending and unprecedented budget deficits.
Why? Because Demøcrooks are all out of ideas.
Lying, cheating Demøfreaks(birm) have punished the poor and broken every promise they made on taxes, health care, and energy, increasing their costs for every working man and woman in America as well as violating Americans' freedoms.
Why? Because Demøcrooks are all out of ideas.
Not surprisingly, during the Demøcrook CONgress (Jan. 5, 2007 - present), the unemployment rate doubled. Gas prices rose to record highs. More people are poor and on food stamps than ever before. Afghanistan "the good war" turned into Afghanist'nam the bad Quagmire.
The Demøcrook CONgress forced us to suffer the mortgage crisis, the Largest. Oil spill. Ever., as well as their bribes, backroom deals, sweetheart deals, and raw deals for the American people.
How's that for "lives touched" by these Demøcrassholes(birm) who gave literally trillions to their Demøcrony unions, ACrOokRN pals, and violent SEIthUgs and hocked our country's future to communist China's dictatorship?
The Demøcrook CONgress also rubber stamped its Øbamaster's takeover of major portions of our — now their — economy, while giving us tax cheats galore in CONgress and the Whitewash House.
Both have effectively surrendered to America's enemies and waged war against American states.
The Demøcrook CONgress, breaking its own promise of "no new deficit spending," increased government spending to record-breaking levels with no real plan to pay for any of it.
Clearly, the only jobs these extremist, backstabbing Demøfreaks(!) really want to "Save or Create™" are their own.
But good, hardworking Americans now have a real hope to change all that.
Simple. Kick the irresponsible lying Demøcrook failures(birm) all out of office next Tuesday.
It's time to put them all out of our misery.
Labels: RESET BUTTON 2010