Saturday, September 18, 2010 |
Demøcrooks' same old tired "solution" to "fixing" an obviously phony "problem": Rename it!ou aren't buying any of the lying liars' Democrasshøle freaks' lies. So they think feel the answer is to come up with "better"-sounding lies.
File this under How Do You Know They're Lying?™—
- An administration that goes out of its way to make terrorism sound less dangerous than it really is (i.e. "man-caused disaster") makes the push to sell "global warming" as more dangerous than it really is. Sounds like somebody's starting to feel uncomfortable because the icecaps and Greenland ice sheets aren't melting fast enough. Switching "warming" to "disruption" is like Chicken Little — finally realizing that everybody's catching on — switching to crying "the ground is rising!"
Re-branding shams is standard operating procedure for this bunch.
Demøliars. Lips. Movement. Much dissembling regurgitated.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), g'liberal warming, Impeach.Obama.Now., liberalism: THE ideology of fear, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Obama kills more jobs

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