More breaking news: Water Flows Downhill; Demokkkrats Kill Jobs; Sun Rises in East; etc.langresswoman Nancompoop Peloseri (D-KKK) herself has been accused of committing far worse crimes than either Victim Charlie Rangel or Victim Maxine Waters has. But™ do you see Klangresswoman Peloseri (D-KKK)'s "Ethics" Panel Racist Persecution Hit Squad® investigating any of her "alleged" crimes?
Of course you don't.
That's because Klangresswoman Peloseri (D-KKK) is a racist. Can there be really any other explanation for her incredibly racist acts?
No, there can't.
What's next? Racially segregated congressional caucuses?
Maybe, once she's done, Klangresswoman Peloseri (D-KKK) and her mob of JimoCrow'rats will start installing White/Colored Drinking Fountains™ on KKKapitol Hill, too.
Wouldn't be surprised.
Labels: lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberal hypocrites (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance, No Justice No Peace, The Great Mistake of 2008, Victimhood Inc.

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