Enabling their evil fatcat union cronies to live off stolen Food Stamp funds.Madison — The
U.S. House on Tuesday passed and President Barack Obama signed Demøcrook Regime rammed down the American people's throats a bill that will provide states with $26 billion for
teachers the Regime's fatcat union buddies and health care programs, helping ease Wisconsin's budget deficit and allowing school districts here to hire an estimated 3,000
teachers well-off union members....
Democrats said it was essential to help the needy (by cutting their Food Stamp benefits?!) and protect schools their rich Big Union special interests that have had to lay off teachers Demøcrook voters because of the recession Øbungler's lingering "Great" Depression. But Republicans called the bill a giveaway to teachers' unions and an example of wasteful spending that voters will punish the Democrats for in this fall's elections (from their lips to our infinitely just and merciful Lord's Ears).
The legislation was approved mainly along party lines by a vote of 247-161. Wisconsin's delegation split along party affiliation.
The aid for the states Demøcrooks' bribed Big Union lobbyists and special interests is to be paid for mostly by closing a tax loophole used by multinational corporations (but not the ones used by Øbribeya's boss George $oros) and by reducing food stamp benefits for the poor.
ope! Change!
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), National Socialist liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, Obamabuse of Power, The Obama Depression, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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