Literally.emember, if Baracrook Øfascist hadn't granted any safety waivers to the BP oil rig before it exploded, its operations wouldn't have been so lax and — yes, you can be certain — that explosion never would've happened.
- Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event
BP's Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years....
The media has been kept away from the emergency salvage measures being taken to forestall the biggest catastrophe in human history. The federal government has warned them away from the epicenter of operations with the threat of a $40,000 fine for each infraction and the possibility of felony arrests....
[B]efore the news blackout fully descended the EPA released data that benzene levels in New Orleans had rocketed to 3,000 parts per billion. [10 ppb is unsafe.]
Benzene is extremely toxic and even short term exposure can cause agonizing death from cancerous lesions years later.
The people of Louisiana have been exposed for more than two months — and the benzene levels may be much higher now. The EPA measurement was taken in early May.
Hitler's socialists murdered only tens of millions of people. Communists murdered over a hundred million.
But if B. Insane Øbraindead's mammoth incompetence and blinding greed also lead to the global Øbaman-caused disaster described above, he and his maladministration — along with every liberal in and out of media who aided and abetted this criminal fraud's rise to power — will be the vicious cold-blooded murderers of billions of people.
The accomplices to this genocide will be all the 52'ers Filthy-'Tarders who based their votes for him on pure emotion, with not a single iota of common sense or reason, and thus willingly allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated by Herr HopeyChange and his flimflamming-media flunkies. The ironic thing is it's very likely that an ungodly portion of them are going to most justifiably wind up being accessories before the fact to their own murders.
Guess that B. Hoodlum Øbamassmurderer found "whose a** to kick" after all.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), heartless liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, Obama destroys environment, socialist injustice

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