His racist regime unilaterally declared that his fellow brownshirt violent terrorists are never going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.acist al-New Black Panther KKKlanther terrorists who're just itching to kill white babies, if they haven't already, are free to continue wreaking terror on the American people with total impunity.
That's the "rule of law" the racist terrorist-aiding Øfascist regime has discriminately decreed.
If you're a black racist terrorist, Baracrook Øbigot has effectively granted you a blanket pardon for all your violent crimes.
No, justice can't be sought by any of the victims of his violent racist brownshirt terrorists. Not now. Not ever.
No, peace can't either.
The Discriminator-in-Chief's fascist racist regime has now thrown every law-abiding citizen under the bus in order to criminally harbor his fellow violent terrorist racists.
Hope he'll change his "mind"?
Hope again, citizen subject.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, Obama Administracism, Obamabuse of Power, socialist injustice

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