But they're too "tired" to do it this year. (Although next year they're very, very, very likely going to be retired.)- Even supporters of Obamacare are tired of fixing it. Earlier this month, Democratic (mis)leaders in the House and Senate said they won't attempt to fix Obamacare this year. "I have said for the last year and a half that we should be doing more on job creation, and I hope that we do move on," Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D.-Ill.) told The Hill. "I don't think we're going to be doing much more of anything on healthcare reform for the rest of the year."
Wait. Wasn't Obamacare itself supposed to create jobs? Another selling point collapses.
nother? That cannot be!
The latest (Congressional Budget Office) numbers indicate Obamacare will cost $115 billion more than originally projected. That would make Obamacare a $1 trillion-plus law....
CBO originally predicted Obamacare would result in a $143 billion net reduction in the deficit from 2010-2019. This new estimate eliminated most of these savings, and thus the vast majority of savings the President claimed his bill would deliver.
The newest CBO finding is consistent with last month's study by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Its final cost projections for Obamacare show that, contrary to White House claims, the new healthcare law will increase national health spending by $311 billion over the next decade and will cause 14 million Americans to lose their current employer-based health coverage. Most objective observers doubt that Obamacare will save one cent.
Higher costs. Zerø savings. No jobs.
Yes, we can carve that on the fascist Øbamaladministration's headstone.
And since the Øbamacaretards' Monstrosity™ "will cause 14 million Americans to lose their current employer-based health coverage," making Baracrook Øfreakshow's promise that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it" as "good" as any other he's ever made or will make, yes, we can add:
No major promises kept, either.
Yet rather than recognizing the catastrophic failure that is Obamacare, liberals in Congress seem content to seek political cover and run out the clock until after the elections. For the time being, Americans are stuck with this monstrous law, even as it crumbles in each news cycle.
But they're going to run our their new health care system the same way they've run the Gulf oil-spill cleanup! blamegame & fingerpointing!
Except we'll be envying the birds and fish murdered by ØbamaOil® once we're fully covered with those snakeoil slicks gushing out uncontrollably from Øbama"Care."
Looking more and more like the best solution for fixing both is outright nuking them.
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, spread the misery around

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