Sorry, Obamainstream Media™. It wasn't a "violent white male teabagger" this time, either.or the children, women, and men of this country, Baracrook “My Muslim Faith”® islamØfascist keeps making life much less safe — one islamic extremist mass-murdering terrorist(birm) at a time.
Oh, that's right. He can't bring himself to even use the term "islamic extremist" in any of his national "security" reports on… well, islamic extremists.
No, he can't.
All islamic extremist mass-murdering terrorists(birm) everywhere are, no doubt, very grateful to him for that.
Thanks to the miserably failing, dangerously incompetent Øbamateur Regime, an islamic extremist mass-murdering terrorist(birm) came closer than he ever should have to setting off a devastating car bomb in the middle of New York's Times Square.
Any such dangerously incompetent official (i.e., Øbonehead) who fails so miserably to preserve, protect, and defend our nation, especially in time of World War against islamic extremist mass-murdering terrorists(birm) who'll stop at absolutely nothing to kill as many as us as, yes, they can, must be immediately impeached and removed from office.
It's right there in our constitution's Good & Welfare Clause (© 2010 Demøcrook Conyers).
Yes, we can and must do it for the children.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., islamofascist terrorist attacks on American soil (blame Obama), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), World War IV

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