But we repeat ourselves.- [Pennsylvania 12th-district Democrat candidate Mark] Critz ran his campaign rejecting ObamaCare and other liberal initiatives, and positioned himself to the right of [RINO Establishment™-pick Tim] Burns.
ut wait, there's more!
Should Mr. Critz win tomorrow's special election... the real question might be: Did voters simply back the candidate who sounded the most conservative? Because no matter who wins the election, it's pretty clear no one running was touting the Obama agenda.
Asshaturated ProDs™'s
Taken together [including RINO/D Benedict Arlen's loss, TEA Party-backed candidate Rand Paul's victory, and Demøcrook Sen. Blanche Lincoln's miserable failure to win], the results were indisputably unkind to the political establishments of both parties.
In related news, the National Socialist Demøfascistic Wreckers Party regime in Washington has officially øfascistly placed the yellow-striped forked-tongue bed-wetting jackass on the endangered species list.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), Power to the people, RESET BUTTON 2010, The Obama Depression

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