Just imagine Her Royal Senatoressness Queen Mary Landrieu's $300 million Louisiana Vote Purchase multiplied by eleven.ell, you don't have to imagine it. That's the average payoff each one of His Imperial Repellantiveness Bart Stupak's Pro-Life Abortion Funders was paid for his or her yes-man vote rubber stamp on His Malfeasanty Baracrook Øfascist's unconstitutional commandeering of our health care.
- The 11 House Democrats led by Rep. Bart Stupak who dropped their opposition to health care reform mere hours before the final vote have requested $3.4 billion in earmarks — and one watchdog group wants to know whether the money represents business as usual, or a political payoff.
The Sunlight Foundation says it plans to track the earmark requests, which were put in one day after health care reform cleared Congress, to see whether they're approved and whether it appears lawmakers are being rewarded for their vote....
Rewarded with the money they've stolen from us, mind you. If we let them get away with this thieving bribery we're not citizens. We're chumps.
Stupak's office said there's absolutely no link between the earmarks and the health care bill's passage....
And there's absolutely no link between the sun and all that daylight that just so happens to come seemingly out of nowhere after it rises. No connection whatsoever.
Of the eight lawmakers whose 2010 requests were available for comparison, five requested more money [in the 2011 budget bill] than they did a year ago. Stupak requested $579 million.
Again, Demøfascists aren't using their own money to bribe each other. They're using ours, taken from us at the point of a gun.
All because of what they always take us for:
A nation of chumps.
Labels: death of Freedom, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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