Means less for lawbreakers.- Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer has shown another way back to the Constitution by signing a law which views the 2nd Amendment's constitutional right to keep and bear arms as a concealed-carry permit within the borders of her state.
While (Fascist-in-Chief) Obama treats the Constitution as a body of negative rights which justify federal expansion and intrusion into our lives, Arizona has just passed a law based on the premise Ted Nugent once expressed when he said: "The 2nd Amendment is my conceal-carry permit."
This new law allows Arizonans who are at least 21 years old and who have no felonies on their record to carry a concealed handgun on their person without a permit.
love Arizona even more.
First, her people actually did something both constitutionally principled and practical about the selfish, disrespectful illegals' dangerous invasion of our country. Then they work towards so doing something about the woefully lax enforcement of all our Constitution's presidential-eligibility provisions. Now they've done so again with respect to our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Who can oppose any of that? (Besides, of course, lawbreakers and aiders and abettors of lawbreakers.)
Labels: Good News, our Freedoms' Defenders, patriotism, Power to the people, Yes Yes Yes. God Bless America.

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