Tuesday, February 16, 2010 |
Given that's all Der ØbaMeinFührer needs to ram his "health" "care" "reforms" fascist totalitarian crap down the American people's throats.f, no, he can't convince just one single Republican senator that his fascist totalitarian crap should be forcibly rammed down the American people's throats against their will, contrary to their clearly expressed wishes, then Herr Øfascist isn't much of a convincer or "a force for Change®," now, is he?
He doesn't need any more than just that one single Republican senator to go along with his ramming his fascist totalitarian crap down all our throats in order to get his "Health" "Care" "Reform" Forcibly Ram Ødespot's Fascist Totalitarian Crap Down All Americans' Throats™ Act of 2010 passed through al-Qøngress.
With every Demøfascist senator voting in lock goose step in favor of his fascist totalitarian crap, having more than just that one single Republican senator at his Partisan Trap™ "bipartisan" "summit" next week would be ridiculously superfluous.
Yes, congressional Republicans can select which of their colleagues in the Senate will be just that one single Republican senator representing them at "Present"dunce Øfailure's entrapment alleged summit. (I would recommend Senator DeMint.)
Yes, Baracrook Øliar and his fellow lying fascist Demøcrooks can, in front of all the C-SPAN cameras, try to gang up on and badger and bully just that one single Republican senator during it.
Yes, the American people can then see even more clearly what fascist totalitarian brutes and bullies the Dictatørats tyrannically ruling al-Qøngress and the White House Berghøf really are.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Health Care Death Snare, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), National Socialist liberals (BIRM), out-of-touch liberals (BIRM)

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