Tuesday, December 22, 2009 |
A lot less.e'll never use that word in America and her allies' fight against international terrorists.
But in his personal fight to impose federal fascism on the American people, the smallest creep — if not most giant leap — towards that ultimate goal is, to him, a "victory."
Of course the only real beneficiaries of his so-called victory are all the senators he had to outright bribe just to achieve it. Anyone else will have to wait at least four years before they see the first benefit, if any, if they're extremely lucky. But, yes, we can all start paying for Teh Øfascist "Victory"™ in the form of higher taxes and fees the minute he signs it into law.
I suppose he expects a ticker tape parade now for his hoping to hand us the very increased mountains of government red tape with which he and his out-of-control, spend-crazy Demøfascist-run al'Qongress want to brutally — and in many cases literally — strangle us.
Only if that parade's in a corridor through which federal marshals are frog-marching him after he's been convicted and is about to serve a long prison sentence for his lying to and thieving from American voters and taxpayers, will it be anywhere close to the one he wholeheartedly deserves.
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people, Health Care Death Snare, Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 |
[Øfailure. It's all about him.]ear Dear Leader (not to be confused with me),
I am asking you to please refrain from building and/or detonating any more nuclear bombs. I feel that if you continue to do so, that will make me look even weaker than I do now (and you didn't think that was possible, did you?) and will also bring down my poll numbers even further.
I do not like nuclear bombs and have vowed to rid the world of them. I feel, however, that your not only having nuclear bombs but building and testing more of them is going to make me unable to keep that vow as well as make me look even more foolish and naive than I already do (and you didn't think that was possible, did you?). I know I haven't been able to keep any of my other vows and promises, either, but that's beside the point. I want to be clear that if you build and test any more nuclear bombs, I absolutely will look more foolish and naive than I do now.
I see from my last national security estimate that you are about to build and test a whole lot more nuclear bombs. I again ask you to please refrain from doing so. I cannot afford to continue tanking in the polls.
I remain sincerely yours,
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), surrender monkeys, treason, World War IV

Telling the Congress — the entire legislative branch — that it must wait for some court conviction before it can stop redistributing our taxed dollars to a notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (but I repeat myself) is all the proof any reasonable person needs that there now exist no real qualifications to "serve" on the federal bench.eparation of powers, sovereign immunity, and plain common sense be damned. Liberals want our money; and nothing should be allowed to stop them from stealing it so, yes, they can forever finance their ongoing criminal activities.
- A federal judge [sic] today [last Friday] issued an injunction preventing the implementation of a congressional ban on funding for ACORN.
Judge [sic] Nina Gershon [a BiIsIs al-Qlinton appointee — surprise, surprise] concluded that the ban amounted to a "bill of attainder" that unfairly singled out ACORN.
"(The plaintiffs) have been singled out by Congress for punishment that directly and immediately affects their ability to continue to obtain federal funding, in the absence of any judicial, or even administrative, process of adjudicating guilt," Gershon wrote in her decision.
Even if a notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (BIRM)'s employees or its top officers are convicted of attempting to open brothels for underage illegal aliens, that no doubt wouldn't be sufficient reason either to deny it its taxpayer-cash flow.
It's right there in the U.S. Constitution. Article CXII, section 123,987,324: "In no case whatsoever shall a notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (BIRM) be denied in any way all of the taxpayer funding it may ever want."
Your copy of the Constitution has no such article? Well, that's your problem. The one liberals have of that document obviously has been "living" a lot larger these past few years decades quarter-centuries.
As for any bill-of-attainder crap scholarly constitutional argument, who cares that it applies only to persons whom a legislative body has singled out for criminal punishment — e.g., jail time, fines, property seizures, or lethal injection. Didn't you know that every single notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (BIRM) is entitled by law by judicial fiat to a fixed percentage of your hard-earned money? (Don't make me break out that Living-Large Edition™ of the Constitution again.)
It's simple, really. You work hard and earn a paycheck. Liberals and their accomplices friends don't do anything that could even be remotely considered "work," so they have to steal a goodly portion of the income you make by way of taxes forcing you to "pay your Fair Share™." Otherwise, liberals wouldn't be able to keep all their notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicates (BIRM) in business. Even crooked businesses have to pay their light bills, you know. Which they wouldn't be able to if heartless and, no doubt, racist folks like you voted in Representatives and Senators who, for some strange reason, feel that a notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (BIRM) isn't forever entitled to a goodly portion of your income. You denying it the ability to pay its light bills as well as its crooked workers is, therefore, a form of extrajudicial punishment prohibited by the U.S. Constitution (Living-Large Edition™, of course). Don't worry if you have no clue what "form of extrablah blah blah" means. It all boils down to you're a racist.
So you, through your representatives in Congress, cutting off any funding that a notoriously crooked leftist organized-crime syndicate (BIRM) wants is the same as administering someone a lethal injection without ever giving him or her (or other) the benefit of a trial. How racist of you!
Now go out and find the most deranged escapees from our country's various asylums for the criminally insane.
I hear there's more than a few vacancies on the federal bench which, it now appears, they all would be eminently qualified to fill.
Labels: criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., idiot liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), Nation of lawyers, Separation of Common Sense and State, thieving liberals (BIRM)

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 |
The way to unite people (and quash any dissent) under some all-powerful, centralized system of total control (headed by us elite few, of course).iberals and other mentally challenged pustules on the anterior anuses protruding from the slimy parasites of society say, "That's what quote-unquote terrorism is!"
People who live in the real world — that is, people who aren't liberals — say, "Fine. But that's what quote-unquote global warming!, health care crisis!, failing capitalism!, or any other liberal incitement to or imposition by force of 'New' & 'Improved' Communism (© 1917-2009 Øbamarx, Peløstalin, Reidtard & lenin[birm]) is, also."
Except there's an overwhelming body of clear and convincing evidence showing terrorism to be a real and present threat. (See, for starters, hole in the ground in lower Manhattan. Indeed, you can't miss it.)
Fascist liberals(birm)'s so-called global warming (aka Global Fraudening) et al., on the other hand, not so much.
Baseless Fearmongering, Inc. is the sole proprietorship of liberals.
Liberals with an asshattitude — that is, all liberals — use and need it to scare you into handing each and every one of your fundamental rights and reserved powers over to, you guessed it, fascist fear-mongering asshat liberals(birm). Those will be exercised exclusively by them now because, otherwise, "The oceans will rise and drown us all!" "The planet will die!" "The economy's going to collapse!" and "Fifteen billion Americans won't be able to afford health insurance!"
That's what liberals mean by "Change We Need®." They get the right and power to always tell everyone else what to do and when to do it. You get fines and jail time if you fail to obey them. You also get, whether you obey or not, to pay for everything they want to do for to you. Moreover, your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc., etc., get to pay for it, too.
"Yes, we can scare you into giving up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety....
"Yes, we can tax, regulate, fine, and jail you until we've herded you all into 'united' you (whether you like it or not) under an all-powerful, centralized system of total control headed by us."
"We" being, in every case, liberals.
Reporter: Where's Obama Øfascist getting the money? zØbamabie: I don't know, his stash 'stache. Realworld Denizen: It's as plain as the facial hairs that'd be perfect under his nose.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., liberalism: THE ideology of fear, National Socialist liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

Sunday, December 06, 2009 |
"Present"dunce Øfailure and his water-carrying media propaganda peddlers call that "good news."on't you feel "good," too, still being out of work? "Present"dunce Øfailure thinks emotes that it's "good."
"Good news" that, no, you don't earn a paycheck anymore. But, yes, you can become one of his permanent government dependents.
"Good news" that, no, you aren't able to pay your bills anymore. But, yes, you can beg for one of his degrading government handouts.
Unemployment is 25 percent higher than what he swore it would be if his misnamed "stimulus" plan became law. All that investment more and more wasteful government spending on things that no one but his party's special interest insiders, operatives, and other accomplices could and did benefit from, would result in "three and half million jobs that we look forward to saving or creating," they swore.
Oh, that's right. "Present"dunce Øfailure and his government-"career" geniuses in the White HøuSEIU and ACØRNgress simply "misread" the economy.
Unfortunately for you — but not for them — no, it won't help to tell your former employer that you simply "misread" the pink slip he gave you when he was forced to lay you off.
You're going to have to keep on living with that particularly bad news. On top of hearing "Present"dunce Øfailure tell you that's "good."
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), National Socialist liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, The Obama Depression

Wednesday, December 02, 2009 |
for 121 of our Troops who died while waiting for the 40,000 requested reinforcements which never came.August 31, 2009
Specialist Jonathan D. Welch United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Yorba Linda, California Age 19
Private First Class Jordan M. Brochu United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Cumberland, Maine Age 20
Lance Corporal David R. Hall United States Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Elyria, Ohio Age 31
Specialist Tyler R. Walshe United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Shasta, California Age 21
September 3, 2009
Lance Corporal Christopher S. Baltazar, Jr. United States Marine Corps 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force San Antonio, Texas Age 19
Petty Officer Third Class Benjamin P. Castiglione United States Navy 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Battalion Howell, Michigan Age 21
September 4, 2009
Second Lieutenant Darryn D. Andrews United States Army 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Dallas, Texas Age 34
September 5, 2009
Captain Joshua S. Meadows United States Marine Corps 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command Bastrop, Texas Age 30
Sergeant Youvert Loney United States Army 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Pohnpei, Micronesia Age 28
September 6, 2009
Staff Sergeant Michael C. Murphrey United States Army 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Snyder, Texas Age 25
Sergeant Randy M. Haney United States Army 4th Special Troops Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Orlando, Florida Age 27
September 8, 2009
Staff Sergeant Aaron M. Kenefick United States Marine Corps 3rd Combat Assault Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force Roswell, Georgia Age 30
Petty Officer Third Class James R. Layton United States Navy Combined Security Tranisiton Command Riverbank, California Age 22
Gunnery Sergeant Edwin Wayne Johnson, Jr. United States Marine Corps 3rd Marine Headquarters Group, III Marine Expeditionary Force Columbus, Georgia Age 31
First Lieutenant Michael E. Johnson United States Marine Corps 3rd Combat Assault Battalion, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force Virginia Beach, Virginia Age 25
September 10, 2009
First Lieutenant Tyler E. Parten United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Jonesboro, Arkansas Age 24
Lance Corporal Christopher S. Fowlkes United States Marine Corps 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Gaffney, South Carolina Age 20
September 11, 2009
Private First Class Matthew M. Martinek United States Army 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division DeKalb, Illinois Age 20
September 12, 2009
Specialist Daniel L. Cox United States Army 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) Parsons, Kansas Age 23
Staff Sergeant Nekl B. Allen United States Army 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) Rochester, New York Age 29
Technical Sergeant James R. Hornbarger United States Air Force 9th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Castle Rock, Washington Age 33
Staff Sergeant Bryan D. Berky United States Air Force 28th Civil Engineer Squadron Melrose, Florida Age 25
Sergeant Tyler A. Juden United States Army 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Winfield, Kansas Age 23
September 14, 2009
Sergeant Andrew H. McConnell United States Army 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Carlisle, Pennsylvania Age 24
First Lieutenant David T. Wright II United States Army 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Moore, Oklahoma Age 26
September 15, 2009
Specialist Demetrius L. Void United States Army 57th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 11th Signal Brigade, III Corps Orangeburg, South Carolina Age 20
September 16, 2009
Sergeant First Class Shawn P. McCloskey United States Army 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group Peachtree City, Georgia Age 33
Staff Sergeant Joshua M. Mills United States Army 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group El Paso, Texas Age 24
Sergeant Robert D. Gordon II United States Army 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division River Falls, Alabama Age 22
Sergeant First Class Bradley S. Bohle United States Army 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group Glen Burnie, Maryland Age 29
September 17, 2009
Private First Class Jeremiah J. Monroe United States Army 7th Engineer Battalion, 10th Sustainment Brigade, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) Niskayuna, New York Age 31
September 19, 2009
Sergeant David A. Davis United States Army 32nd Transportation Company, 68th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division Dalhart, Texas Age 28
September 20, 2009
Specialist Corey J. Kowall United States Army 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Murfreesboro, Tennessee Age 20
Specialist Damon G. Winkleman United States Army 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Lakeville, Ohio Age 23
September 21, 2009
Private First Class William L. Meredith United States Army 569th Engineer Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Virginia Beach, Virginia Age 26
September 24, 2009
Specialist Joseph V. White United States Army 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Bellevue, Washington Age 21
Lance Corporal John J. Malone United States Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Fore Yonkers, New York Age 24
Sergeant Titus R. Reynolds United States Army 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Columbus, Ohio Age 23
Sergeant Edward Bernard Smith United States Army 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Homestead, Florida Age 30
September 26, 2009
Specialist Kevin J. Graham United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Benton, Kentucky Age 27
Lance Corporal Jordan L. Chrobot United States Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Frederick, Maryland Age 24
September 28, 2009
Staff Sergeant Jack M. Martin III United States Army 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group Bethany, Oklahoma Age 26
Sergeant First Class Christopher D. Shaw United States Army 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group Markham, Illinois Age 37
September 30, 2009
Staff Sergeant Alex French IV United States Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment Milledgeville, Georgia Age 31
October 1, 2009
Sergeant Roberto D. Sanchez United States Army 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Satellite Beach, Florida Age 24
Specialist Russell S. Hercules, Jr. United States Army 4th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Murfreesboro, Tennessee Age 22
October 2, 2009
Private First Class Alan H. Newton, Jr. United States Army Reserve 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion Asheboro, North Carolina Age 26
Sergeant Ryan C. Adams United States Army National Guard 91st Engineer Company (Sapper), Wisconsin Army National Guard Rhinelander, Wisconsin Age 26
Captain Benjamin A. Sklaver United States Army Reserve 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion Medford, Massachusetts Age 32
October 3, 2009
Sergeant Michael P. Scusa United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Villas, New Jersey Age 22
Sergeant Joshua J. Kirk United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division South Portland, Maine Age 30
Private First Class Kevin C. Thomson United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Reno, Nevada Age 22
Private First Class Brandon A. Owens United States Army 118th Military Police Company, 503rd Military Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps Memphis, Tennessee Age 21
Sergeant Aaron M. Smith United States Army 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) Manhattan, Kansas Age 25
Sergeant Thomas D. Rabjohn United States Army National Guard 363rd Explosive Ordnance Detachment Litchfield Park, Arizona Age 39
Sergeant Joshua M. Hardt United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Applegate, California Age 24
Sergeant Justin T. Gallegos United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Tucson, Arizona Age 27
Specialist Stephen L. Mace United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Lovettsville, Virginia Age 21
Staff Sergeant Vernon W. Martin United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Savannah, Georgia Age 25
Specialist Christopher T. Griffin United States Army 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Kincheloe, Michigan Age 24
October 4, 2009
Specialist Kevin O. Hill United States Army 576th Mobility Augmentation Company Brooklyn, New York Age 23
October 7, 2009
Sergeant First Class Kenneth W. Westbrook United States Army 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division Shiprock, New Mexico Age 41
October 9, 2009
Staff Sergeant Aaron J. Taylor United States Marine Corps Marine Wing Support Squadron 372, Marine Wing Support Group 37, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force Bovey, Minnesota Age 27
October 10, 2009
Specialist George W. Cauley United States Army National Guard 114th Truck Company Walker, Minn, Minnesota Age 24
Lance Corporal Alfonso Ochoa, Jr. United States Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force Armona, California Age 20
October 15, 2009
Specialist Jesus O. Flores, Jr. United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion La Mirada, California Age 28
Specialist Daniel C. Lawson United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Deerfield Beach, Florida Age 33
Private First Class Brandon M. Styer United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Lancaster, Pennsylvania Age 19
Staff Sergeant Glen H. Stivison, Jr. United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Blairsville, Pennsylvania Age 34
October 16, 2009
Sergeant Christopher M. Rudzinski United States Army 293rd Military Police Company, 385th Military Police Battalion, 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) Rantoul, Illinois Age 28
Specialist Anthony G. Green United States Army National Guard 143rd Infantry Detachment Matthews, North Carolina Age 28
Staff Sergeant Chris N. Staats United States Air National Guard 143rd Infantry Detachment Fredericksburg, Texas Age 32
October 17, 2009
Specialist Michael A. Dahl, Jr. United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Moreno Valley, California Age 23
October 20, 2009
Lance Corporal David Raymond Baker United States Marine Corps 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Painesville, Ohio Age 22
October 21, 2009
Specialist Kyle A. Coumas United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Lockeford, California Age 22
October 23, 2009
Specialist Eric N. Lembke United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Tampa, Florida Age 25
Private First Class Kimble A. Han United States Army 569th Mobility Augmentation Company, 4th Engineer Battalion Lehi, Utah Age 30
October 25, 2009
Private First Class Devin J. Michel United States Army 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Stockton, Illinois Age 19
Specialist Brandon K. Steffey United States Army 178th Military Police Detachment, 89th Military Police Brigade, III Corps Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan Age 23
Sergeant Eduviges G. Wolf United States Army 704th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Hawthorne, California Age 24
October 26, 2009
Sergeant Josue E. Hernandez Chavez United States Army 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne) Reno, Nevada Age 23
Sergeant Nikolas A. Mueller United States Army 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne) Little Chute, Wisconsin Age 26
Sergeant First Class David E. Metzger United States Army 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) San Diego, California Age 32
Staff Sergeant Keith R. Bishop United States Army 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Medford, New York Age 28
Captain David S. Mitchell United States Marine Corps Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force Loveland, Ohio Age 30
Corporal Gregory M.W. Fleury United States Marine Corps Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force Anchorage, Alaska Age 23
Captain Eric A. Jones United States Marine Corps Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force Westchester, New York Age 29
Captain Kyle R. Van De Giesen United States Marine Corps Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force North Attleboro, Massachusetts Age 29
Chief Warrant Officer Michael P. Montgomery United States Army 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne) Savannah, Georgia Age 36
Chief Warrant Officer Niall Lyons United States Army 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne) Spokane, Washington Age 40
Staff Sergeant Shawn H. McNabb United States Army 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Regiment (Airborne) Terrell, Texas Age 24
October 27, 2009
Specialist Robert K. Charlton United States Army 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Malden, Missouri Age 22
Staff Sergeant Luis M. Gonzalez United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division South Ozone Park, New York Age 27
Sergeant Fernando Delarosa United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Alamo, Texas Age 24
Sergeant Dale R. Griffin United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Terre Haute, Indiana Age 29
Sergeant Issac B. Jackson United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Plattsburg, Missouri Age 27
Sergeant Patrick O. Williamson United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Broussard, Louisiana Age 24
Specialist Jared D. Stanker United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Evergreen Park, Illinois Age 22
Private First Class Christopher I. Walz United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Vancouver, Washington Age 25
Lance Corporal Cody R. Stanley United States Marine Corps 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Rosanky, Texas Age 21
Private First Class Brian R. Bates, Jr. United States Army 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Gretna, Louisiana Age 20
October 28, 2009
Frank R. Walker United States Air Force 72nd Civil Engineering Directorate Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Age 66
Petty Officer Third Class David M. Mudge United States Navy USS Rentz Sutherlin, Oregon Age 22
October 31, 2009
Sergeant Cesar B. Ruiz United States Marine Corps Reserve Marine Forces Reserve San Antonio, Texas Age 26
November 4, 2009
Specialist Julian L. Berisford United States Army 3rd BN, 509th Parachute Infantry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Benwood, West Virginia Age 25
Sergeant Brandon T. Islip United States Army 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Richmond, Virginia Age 23
Sergeant Benjamin Sherman United States Army 1st BN, 508thParachute Infantry Reg, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Plymouth, Massachusetts Age 21
November 5, 2009
Specialist Gary L. Gooch, Jr. United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Ocala, Florida Age 22
Specialist Aaron S. Aamot United States Army 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Custer, Washington Age 22
November 7, 2009
Sergeant Charles I. Cartwright United States Marine Corps 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command Union Bridge, Maryland Age 26
November 10, 2009
Lance Corporal Justin J. Swanson United States Marine Corps 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Anaheim, California Age 21
November 13, 2009
Specialist Christopher J. Coffland United States Army 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion Baltimore, Maryland Age 43
Lance Corporal Shawn P. Hefner United States Army 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Hico, Texas Age 22
November 17, 2009
Specialist Joseph M. Lewis United States Army 8th Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Terrell, Texas Age 26
November 19, 2009
Staff Sergeant John J. Cleaver United States Army 782d Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Marysville, Washington Age 36
Sergeant Daniel A. Frazier United States Army 782d Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Saint Joseph, Michigan Age 25
November 22, 2009
Staff Sergeant Matthew A. Pucino United States Army National Guard 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group Cockeysville, Maryland Age 34
Lance Corporal Nicholas J. Hand United States Marine Corps 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Kansas City, Missouri Age 20
Private First Class Marcus A. Tynes United States Army 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Moreno Valley, California Age 19
Sergeant James M. Nolen United States Army 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Alvin, Texas Age 25
November 23, 2009
Specialist Jason A. McLeod United States Army 704th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Crystal Lake, Illinois Age 22
 ew can doubt that had these brave men the necessary and proper reinforcements they all badly needed when their commanders on the ground requested them this past August, a good many of them would be alive today. They and their families and loved ones each paid an unnecessarily extracted price for the Ditherer-in-Che's extremely immoral refusal to promptly support them all with those reinforcements.
As a direct result of "Present"dunce B. Hussein Øfascist's extremely dangerous incompetence, the enemy is killing our Troops at an unprecedented rate in Afghanistan.
He is manifestly unfit to be the commander of any United States Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, anti-America liberals (BIRM), dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), good versus evil, Impeach.Obama.Now., our Freedoms' Defenders, treason, World War IV
