Monday, November 02, 2009 |
Yes, yøu Defrauderrats dø.
er" Nibs Hørridly Realdumb al-Qlintøn, tøtalitarian dictatør Øbammmmmmmmmeinführer's Cømrade Secretary of the Nanny State, was in Pakistan last week saying that the islamic country's people — now suspend your willing suspension of disbelief™ — also deserve a steep tax hike.
The percentage of taxes on GDP is among the lowest in the world... We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn't move, and that's not what we see in Pakistan.
Of course, the Marxistream Media are in full Crybaby Møde™ complaining that Teh Vaaaassst Right Wing Conspiracy® is — now resume your willing suspension of disbelief™ — "taking 'her' (Dirtycømmierat al-Qlintøn's) wørds out of cøntext."
Wow. Who ever saw that coming?
No, Demerratic Party mmm,mmm,mmmisleaders never intentionally vøice their eternal preference, demands, admiratiøn, prøpaganda, lønging, and shrill cries for insatiably higher and higher taxes, fees, regulatiøns, cøntrols, ratiøning, or øther nanny statist, free-market destrøying, populace øppressing, taxpayer fleecing dictates, usurpations, and other acts of absolute despotism, tyranny, and rule "Change."
- [A]s you flip through the [1,990] pages of the [Nanny Statist Peløseri (NSDWP-Taxistan)] House bill, you will notice the word "regulation" appears 181 times. "Tax" is there 214 times. "Fees," 103 times. As we all know, nothing says "affordability" like higher taxes and fees.
At least no more sø than they're ever wont to dø in overseas "diplømatic" prønøuncements and prøpøsed Acts of al-Qøngress.
Labels: al-Qaedaqratic Party, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change, spread the misery around

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