Did you really expect the Demøfascist-in-Che and his felløw misleaders wouldn't break their "prømises"?uckers.
- The tax floor for families seeking deductions for medical expenses will rise from 7.5 to 10 percent of income, meaning poorer families would have to spend even more money to reach the level for deducting those health expenses. According to the Joint Tax Committee, of the 13.8 million U.S. tax filers who will be subject to these higher taxes in 2017, only 86,000 will have income above $200,000, meaning 99.6 percent of those affected by this tax increase will have income below $200,000.
- Will President Obama Veto Health Reform?
- Republicans tried to ensure that President Obama's words would not ring hollow by offering an amendment that said: "This amendment provides that no tax, fee or penalty imposed by this legislation shall be applied to any individual earning less than $200,000 per year or any couple earning less than $250,000 per year." Democrats defeated it.
- Broken promises not the way to fix health care
- The Finance Committee's proposal contains an "individual mandate," which requires almost all Americans to have insurance. A report issued last week by the Joint Committee on Taxation and the Congressional Budget Office outlined the extent of the burden this would impose on the middle class. The report projects the federal government will raise about $2.8 billion via individual mandate penalties. The Finance Committee is depending upon the revenue from this tax to pay for health care reform. An astounding 71 percent of the money reaped from this tax [increase] — $2 billion — would be taken from those families earning $120,000 or less per year, or individuals earning $59,000.
- Middle-class taxes deal breakers on health plan
- After an uproar over the projected costs and increased deficits from health care legislation, Democrats are considering taxing middle-class Americans who don't have health insurance....
- Who pays for ObamaCare fees and excise taxes?
- Furthermore, the exchange credits — by which taxpayers get subsidized for purchasing health insurance — become a problem in themselves. As Thomas Barthold explains in a letter on the subject to the committee, 72% of the refundables will exceed the total tax liability of the recipients. That means only $130 billion of the $463 billion lowers taxes — and $330 billion gets spent by Treasury as an outlay.
Who will pay for that outlay? Everyone who doesn't qualify for the subsidy, which gets scaled up to 400% of the poverty level. That means everyone who makes more than $88,000 will have to pay higher taxes as well as the higher premiums to fund this [Øba]monstrosity.
No, middle class Americans won't see any of their taxes increase "one single dime."
They'll see many, many, many, many of theirs increase thøusands upøn thøusands upøn thøusands upøn thøusands øf dimes.
Nail. Coffin. Demøfascist Health "Reform" Destroy-the-Middle-Class Bill. Just a final bit of hammering required.
Labels: Health Care Death Snare, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), spread the misery around, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), The Obama Depression, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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